# Build Pipeline

A development tool for running commands with maximum possible concurrency,
designed to speed up CI / CD build piplines by running mulitple independent build steps at once.

Commands will _only_ be executed if the commands that it `dependsOn` have run successfully first.

If commands don't depend on anything, or if all of their dependent `command`s have already run successfully, then they'll be run together concurrently.

## Installation and Getting Up and Running

Add build_pipeline as a dependency to your project<br>
Then, From the root of your projects' directory (where your `mix.exs` file is) run:
mix build_pipeline.init

Run this as first-time setup -

This will generate some directories and a default `config.json` file, like so:
├── config.json
└── scripts
Next, edit your `config.json` file, adding the desired build steps.<br>
`config.json` must be only a list, containing `buildSteps`.

Build steps are defined as in the example below.
- `buildStepName` (mandatory) - a name for this build step
- `commandType` (mandatory) - `script` or `shellCommand`
- `command` (mandatory) - either a file name of a script in the `build_pipline/scripts` folder, or a shell command to run
- `dependsOn` (mandatory) - a list of other `buildStepName`s, which must run first before this step is run
- `envVars` (optional) - a list of extra environment variables to be set when the `command` is run

    "buildStepName": "find_todos",
    "commandType": "script",
    "command": "find_todos",
    "dependsOn": []
    "buildStepName": "deps.get",
    "commandType": "shellCommand",
    "command": "mix deps.get",
    "dependsOn": []
    "buildStepName": "compile",
    "commandType": "shellCommand",
    "command": "mix compile --force --warnings-as-errors",
    "dependsOn": [
    "envVars": [
        "name": "MIX_ENV",
        "value": "test"
    "buildStepName": "loadconfig",
    "commandType": "shellCommand",
    "command": "mix loadconfig config/prod.exs",
    "dependsOn": []
    "buildStepName": "test",
    "commandType": "shellCommand",
    "command": "mix test --color",
    "dependsOn": [
    "buildStepName": "esciptBuild",
    "commandType": "shellCommand",
    "command": "mix",
    "dependsOn": [
    "envVars": [
        "name": "MIX_ENV",
        "value": "prod"

Note that in the above example, I added a bash script to `scripts` which returns a non-zero exit code if "TODO" is found anywhere in my code (except for in the README of course :) because that wouldn't work).

Also note:
If A depends on B which depends on C, then you only need to define A with the `dependsOn` of [B], and B with the `dependsOn` of [C].
Saying that A `dependsOn` [B, C] is redundant. Just define A with `dependsOn` = [B].

Once your `config.json` and any supporting scripts in `scripts` are in place, you're good to go, and you can run


And you're away!

By default, _output from successful commands are silenced_, and `command` output is only displayed by the first command that fails (returns a non 0 exit code). In the event of a command failing, subsequent dependent commands and commands in progress are gracefully not started or terminated respectively.

## mix - Options
- `--verbose` (Optional) - Show the output of successful commands. Defaults to `false`

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `build_pipeline` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:build_pipeline, "~> 0.1.0"}

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