
defmodule Bumblebee do
  @moduledoc """
  Pre-trained `Axon` models for easy inference and boosted training.

  Bumblebee provides state-of-the-art, configurable `Axon` models. On
  top of that, it streamlines the process of loading pre-trained models
  by integrating with Hugging Face Hub and [🤗 Transformers](

  ## Usage

  You can load one of the supported models by specifying the model repository:

      {:ok, model_info} = Bumblebee.load_model({:hf, "bert-base-uncased"})
      {:ok, tokenizer} = Bumblebee.load_tokenizer({:hf, "bert-base-uncased"})

  Then you are ready to make predictions:

      inputs = Bumblebee.apply_tokenizer(tokenizer, "Hello Bumblebee!")
      outputs = Axon.predict(model_info.model, model_info.params, inputs)

  ### Tasks

  On top of bare models, Bumblebee provides a number of **"servings"**
  that act as end-to-end pipelines for specific tasks.

      serving = Bumblebee.Text.fill_mask(model_info, tokenizer), "The capital of [MASK] is Paris.")
      #=> %{
      #=>   predictions: [
      #=>     %{score: 0.9279842972755432, token: "france"},
      #=>     %{score: 0.008412551134824753, token: "brittany"},
      #=>     %{score: 0.007433671969920397, token: "algeria"},
      #=>     %{score: 0.004957548808306456, token: "department"},
      #=>     %{score: 0.004369721747934818, token: "reunion"}
      #=>   ]
      #=> }

  As you can see the **serving** takes care of pre-processing the
  text input, runs the model and also post-processes its output into
  more structured data. In the above example we `run` serving on the
  fly, however for production usage you can start serving as a process
  and it will automatically batch requests from multiple clients.
  Processing inputs in batches is usually much more efficient, since
  it can take advantage of parallel capabilities of the target device,
  which is particularly relevant in case of GPU. For more details read
  the `Nx.Serving` docs.

  For more examples see the [Examples](examples.livemd) notebook.

  > #### Note {: .info}
  > The models are generally large, so make sure to configure an efficient
  > `Nx` backend, such as `EXLA` or `Torchx`.

  alias Bumblebee.HuggingFace

  @config_filename "config.json"
  @featurizer_filename "preprocessor_config.json"
  @tokenizer_filename "tokenizer.json"
  @tokenizer_special_tokens_filename "special_tokens_map.json"
  @generation_filename "generation_config.json"
  @scheduler_filename "scheduler_config.json"
  @params_filename %{pytorch: "pytorch_model.bin"}

  @transformers_class_to_model %{
    "AlbertForMaskedLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "AlbertForMultipleChoice" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :for_multiple_choice},
    "AlbertForPreTraining" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :for_pre_training},
    "AlbertForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :for_question_answering},
    "AlbertForSequenceClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :for_sequence_classification},
    "AlbertForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :for_token_classification},
    "AlbertModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Albert, :base},
    "BartForCausalLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bart, :for_causal_language_modeling},
    "BartForConditionalGeneration" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bart, :for_conditional_generation},
    "BartForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bart, :for_question_answering},
    "BartForSequenceClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bart, :for_sequence_classification},
    "BartModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bart, :base},
    "BertForMaskedLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "BertForMultipleChoice" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_multiple_choice},
    "BertForNextSentencePrediction" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_next_sentence_prediction},
    "BertForPreTraining" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_pre_training},
    "BertForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_question_answering},
    "BertForSequenceClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_sequence_classification},
    "BertForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_token_classification},
    "BertLMHeadModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :for_causal_language_modeling},
    "BertModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Bert, :base},
    "BlenderbotForConditionalGeneration" =>
      {Bumblebee.Text.Blenderbot, :for_conditional_generation},
    "BlenderbotModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Blenderbot, :base},
    "BlipForConditionalGeneration" => {Bumblebee.Multimodal.Blip, :for_conditional_generation},
    # These models are just RoBERTa models, but the config will list them as CamemBERT
    "CamembertModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :base},
    "CamembertForMaskedLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "CamembertForSequenceClassification" =>
      {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_sequence_classification},
    "CamembertForMultipleChoice" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_multiple_choice},
    "CamembertForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_token_classification},
    "CamembertForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_question_answering},
    "CLIPModel" => {Bumblebee.Multimodal.Clip, :base},
    "CLIPTextModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.ClipText, :base},
    "CLIPVisionModel" => {Bumblebee.Vision.ClipVision, :base},
    "ConvNextForImageClassification" => {Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNext, :for_image_classification},
    "ConvNextModel" => {Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNext, :base},
    "DeiTForImageClassification" => {Bumblebee.Vision.Deit, :for_image_classification},
    "DeiTForImageClassificationWithTeacher" =>
      {Bumblebee.Vision.Deit, :for_image_classification_with_teacher},
    "DeiTForMaskedImageModeling" => {Bumblebee.Vision.Deit, :for_masked_image_modeling},
    "DeiTModel" => {Bumblebee.Vision.Deit, :base},
    "DistilBertModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Distilbert, :base},
    "DistilBertForMaskedLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Distilbert, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "DistilBertForSequenceClassification" =>
      {Bumblebee.Text.Distilbert, :for_sequence_classification},
    "DistilBertForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Distilbert, :for_question_answering},
    "DistilBertForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Distilbert, :for_token_classification},
    "GPT2ForSequenceClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Gpt2, :for_sequence_classification},
    "GPT2ForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Gpt2, :for_token_classification},
    "GPT2LMHeadModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Gpt2, :for_causal_language_modeling},
    "GPT2Model" => {BumbleBee.Text.Gpt2, :base},
    "LayoutLMForMaskedLanguageModeling" =>
      {Bumblebee.Multimodal.LayoutLm, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "LayoutLMForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Multimodal.LayoutLm, :for_question_answering},
    "LayoutLMForSequenceClassification" =>
      {Bumblebee.Multimodal.LayoutLm, :for_sequence_classification},
    "LayoutLMForTokenClassification" =>
      {Bumblebee.Multimodal.LayoutLm, :for_token_classification},
    "LayoutLMModel" => {Bumblebee.Multimodal.LayoutLm, :base},
    "MBartForCausalLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Mbart, :for_causal_language_modeling},
    "MBartForConditionalGeneration" => {Bumblebee.Text.Mbart, :for_conditional_generation},
    "MBartForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Mbart, :for_question_answering},
    "MBartForSequenceClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Mbart, :for_sequence_classification},
    "MBartModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Mbart, :base},
    "ResNetForImageClassification" => {Bumblebee.Vision.ResNet, :for_image_classification},
    "ResNetModel" => {Bumblebee.Vision.ResNet, :base},
    "RobertaForMaskedLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "RobertaForMultipleChoice" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_multiple_choice},
    "RobertaForPreTraining" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_pre_training},
    "RobertaForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_question_answering},
    "RobertaForSequenceClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_sequence_classification},
    "RobertaForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_token_classification},
    "RobertaForCausalLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_causal_language_modeling},
    "RobertaModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :base},
    "T5Model" => {Bumblebee.Text.T5, :base},
    "T5ForConditionalGeneration" => {Bumblebee.Text.T5, :for_conditional_generation},
    "T5EncoderModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.T5, :encoder},
    "ViTForImageClassification" => {Bumblebee.Vision.Vit, :for_image_classification},
    "ViTForMaskedImageModeling" => {Bumblebee.Vision.Vit, :for_masked_image_modeling},
    "ViTModel" => {Bumblebee.Vision.Vit, :base},
    "WhisperModel" => {Bumblebee.Audio.Whisper, :base},
    "WhisperForConditionalGeneration" => {Bumblebee.Audio.Whisper, :for_conditional_generation},
    # These models are just RoBERTa models, but the config will list them as XLM-RoBERTa
    "XLMRobertaForCausalLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_causal_language_modeling},
    "XLMRobertaForMaskedLM" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_masked_language_modeling},
    "XLMRobertaForMultipleChoice" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_multiple_choice},
    "XLMRobertaForQuestionAnswering" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_question_answering},
    "XLMRobertaForSequenceClassification" =>
      {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_sequence_classification},
    "XLMRobertaForTokenClassification" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :for_token_classification},
    "XLMRobertaModel" => {Bumblebee.Text.Roberta, :base},
    # Diffusers
    "AutoencoderKL" => {Bumblebee.Diffusion.VaeKl, :base},
    "StableDiffusionSafetyChecker" => {Bumblebee.Diffusion.StableDiffusion.SafetyChecker, :base},
    "UNet2DConditionModel" => {Bumblebee.Diffusion.UNet2DConditional, :base}

  @transformers_class_to_featurizer %{
    "CLIPFeatureExtractor" => Bumblebee.Vision.ClipFeaturizer,
    "ConvNextFeatureExtractor" => Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNextFeaturizer,
    "DeiTFeatureExtractor" => Bumblebee.Vision.DeitFeaturizer,
    "ViTFeatureExtractor" => Bumblebee.Vision.VitFeaturizer,
    "WhisperFeatureExtractor" => Bumblebee.Audio.WhisperFeaturizer

  @transformers_image_processor_type_to_featurizer %{
    "BlipImageProcessor" => Bumblebee.Vision.BlipFeaturizer

  @model_type_to_featurizer %{
    "convnext" => Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNextFeaturizer,
    "deit" => Bumblebee.Vision.DeitFeaturizer,
    "resnet" => Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNextFeaturizer,
    "vit" => Bumblebee.Vision.VitFeaturizer,
    "whisper" => Bumblebee.Audio.WhisperFeaturizer

  @model_type_to_tokenizer %{
    "albert" => Bumblebee.Text.AlbertTokenizer,
    "bart" => Bumblebee.Text.BartTokenizer,
    "bert" => Bumblebee.Text.BertTokenizer,
    "blenderbot" => Bumblebee.Text.BlenderbotTokenizer,
    "blip" => Bumblebee.Text.BertTokenizer,
    "distilbert" => Bumblebee.Text.DistilbertTokenizer,
    "camembert" => Bumblebee.Text.CamembertTokenizer,
    "clip" => Bumblebee.Text.ClipTokenizer,
    "gpt2" => Bumblebee.Text.Gpt2Tokenizer,
    "layoutlm" => Bumblebee.Text.LayoutLmTokenizer,
    "mbart" => Bumblebee.Text.MbartTokenizer,
    "roberta" => Bumblebee.Text.RobertaTokenizer,
    "t5" => Bumblebee.Text.T5Tokenizer,
    "whisper" => Bumblebee.Text.WhisperTokenizer,
    "xlm-roberta" => Bumblebee.Text.XlmRobertaTokenizer

  @diffusers_class_to_scheduler %{
    "DDIMScheduler" => Bumblebee.Diffusion.DdimScheduler,
    "PNDMScheduler" => Bumblebee.Diffusion.PndmScheduler

  @typedoc """
  A location to fetch model files from.

  Can be either:

    * `{:hf, repository_id}` - the repository on Hugging Face. Options
      may be passed as the third element:

        * `:revision` - the specific model version to use, it can be
          any valid git identifier, such as branch name, tag name, or
          a commit hash

        * `:cache_dir` - the directory to store the downloaded files
          in. Defaults to the standard cache location for the given
          operating system. You can also configure it globally by
          setting the `BUMBLEBEE_CACHE_DIR` environment variable

        * `:offline` - if `true`, only cached files are accessed and
          missing files result in an error. You can also configure it
          globally by setting the `BUMBLEBEE_OFFLINE` environment
          variable to `true`

        * `:auth_token` - the token to use as HTTP bearer authorization
          for remote files

        * `:subdir` - the directory within the repository where the
          files are located

    * `{:local, directory}` - the directory containing model files

  @type repository :: {:hf, String.t()} | {:hf, String.t(), keyword()} | {:local, Path.t()}

  @typedoc """
  A model together with its state and metadata.
  @type model_info :: %{
          model: Axon.t(),
          params: map(),
          spec: Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t()

  @doc """
  Builds or updates a configuration object with the given options.

  Expects a configuration struct or a module supporting configuration.
  These are usually configurable:

    * model specification (`Bumblebee.ModelSpec`)

    * featurizer (`Bumblebee.Featurizer`)

    * scheduler (`Bumblebee.Scheduler`)

  ## Examples

  To build a new configuration, pass a module:

      featurizer = Bumblebee.configure(Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNextFeaturizer)
      spec = Bumblebee.configure(Bumblebee.Vision.ResNet, architecture: :for_image_classification)

  Similarly, you can update an existing configuration:

      featurizer = Bumblebee.configure(featurizer, resize_method: :bilinear)
      spec = Bumblebee.configure(spec, embedding_size: 128)

  @spec configure(module() | Bumblebee.Configurable.t(), keyword()) :: Bumblebee.Configurable.t()
  def configure(config, options \\ []) do
    %module{} = config = struct!(config)
    module.config(config, options)

  @doc """
  Builds an `Axon` model according to the given specification.

  ## Example

      spec = Bumblebee.configure(Bumblebee.Vision.ResNet, architecture: :base, embedding_size: 128)
      model = Bumblebee.build_model(spec)

  @doc type: :model
  @spec build_model(Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t()) :: Axon.t()
  def build_model(%module{} = spec) do

  @doc """
  Loads model specification from a model repository.

  ## Options

    * `:module` - the model specification module. By default it is
      inferred from the configuration file, if that is not possible,
      it must be specified explicitly

    * `:architecture` - the model architecture, must be supported by
      `:module`. By default it is inferred from the configuration file

  ## Examples

      {:ok, spec} = Bumblebee.load_spec({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"})

  You can explicitly specify a different architecture:

      {:ok, spec} = Bumblebee.load_spec({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"}, architecture: :base)

  @doc type: :model
  @spec load_spec(repository(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, Bumblebee.ModelSpec.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def load_spec(repository, opts \\ []) do
    repository = normalize_repository!(repository)

    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, [:module, :architecture])

    module = opts[:module]
    architecture = opts[:architecture]

    with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @config_filename),
         {:ok, spec_data} <- decode_config(path) do
      {inferred_module, inferred_architecture, inference_error} =
        case infer_model_type(spec_data) do
          {:ok, module, architecture} -> {module, architecture, nil}
          {:error, error} -> {nil, nil, error}

      module = module || inferred_module
      architecture = architecture || inferred_architecture

      unless module do
        raise "#{inference_error}, please specify the :module and :architecture options"

      architectures = module.architectures()

      if architecture && architecture not in architectures do
        raise ArgumentError,
              "expected architecture to be one of: #{Enum.map_join(architectures, ", ", &inspect/1)}, but got: #{inspect(architecture)}"

      spec =
        if architecture do
          configure(module, architecture: architecture)

      spec = HuggingFace.Transformers.Config.load(spec, spec_data)

      {:ok, spec}

  defp decode_config(path) do
    |> Jason.decode()
    |> case do
      {:ok, data} -> {:ok, data}
      _ -> {:error, "failed to parse the config file, it is not a valid JSON"}

  defp infer_model_type(%{"architectures" => [class_name]}) do
    case @transformers_class_to_model[class_name] do
      nil ->
         "could not match the class name #{inspect(class_name)} to any of the supported models"}

      {module, architecture} ->
        {:ok, module, architecture}

  defp infer_model_type(%{"_class_name" => class_name}) do
    infer_model_type(%{"architectures" => [class_name]})

  defp infer_model_type(_spec_data) do
    {:error, "could not infer model type from the configuration"}

  @doc """
  Loads a pre-trained model from a model repository.

  ## Options

    * `:spec` - the model specification to use when building the model.
      By default the specification is loaded using `load_spec/2`

    * `:module` - the model specification module. By default it is
      inferred from the configuration file, if that is not possible,
      it must be specified explicitly

    * `:architecture` - the model architecture, must be supported by
      `:module`. By default it is inferred from the configuration file

    * `:params_filename` - the file with the model parameters to be loaded

    * `:log_params_diff` - whether to log missing, mismatched and unused
      parameters. By default diff is logged only if some parameters
      cannot be loaded

    * `:backend` - the backend to allocate the tensors on. It is either
      an atom or a tuple in the shape `{backend, options}`

  ## Examples

  By default the model type is inferred from configuration, so loading
  is as simple as:

      {:ok, resnet} = Bumblebee.load_model({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"})
      %{model: model, params: params, spec: spec} = resnet

  You can explicitly specify a different architecture, in which case
  matching parameters are still loaded:

      {:ok, resnet} = Bumblebee.load_model({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"}, architecture: :base)

  To further customize the model, you can also pass the specification:

      {:ok, spec} = Bumblebee.load_spec({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"})
      spec = Bumblebee.configure(spec, num_labels: 10)
      {:ok, resnet} = Bumblebee.load_model({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"}, spec: spec)

  @doc type: :model
  @spec load_model(repository(), keyword()) :: {:ok, model_info()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def load_model(repository, opts \\ []) do
    repository = normalize_repository!(repository)

    opts =
      Keyword.validate!(opts, [

    spec_response =
      if spec = opts[:spec] do
        {:ok, spec}
        load_spec(repository, Keyword.take(opts, [:module, :architecture]))

    with {:ok, spec} <- spec_response,
         model <- build_model(spec),
         {:ok, params} <-
             |> Keyword.take([:params_filename, :log_params_diff, :backend])
           ) do
      {:ok, %{model: model, params: params, spec: spec}}

  defp load_params(%module{} = spec, model, repository, opts) do
    # TODO: support format: :auto | :axon | :pytorch
    format = :pytorch
    filename = opts[:params_filename] || @params_filename[format]

    input_template = module.input_template(spec)

    params_mapping = Bumblebee.HuggingFace.Transformers.Model.params_mapping(spec)

    with {:ok, paths} <- download_params_files(repository, filename) do
      params =
          [params_mapping: params_mapping] ++ Keyword.take(opts, [:backend, :log_params_diff])

      {:ok, params}

  defp download_params_files(repository, filename) do
    case download(repository, filename) do
      {:ok, path} ->
        {:ok, [path]}

      error ->
        # Check for sharded params
        with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, filename <> ".index.json"),
             {:ok, sharded_metadata} <- decode_config(path) do
          filenames =
            for {_layer, filename} <- sharded_metadata["weight_map"], uniq: true, do: filename

          Enum.reduce_while(filenames, {:ok, []}, fn filename, {:ok, paths} ->
            case download(repository, filename) do
              {:ok, path} -> {:cont, {:ok, [path | paths]}}
              error -> {:halt, error}
          _ -> error

  @doc """
  Featurizes `input` with the given featurizer.

  ## Options

    * `:defn_options` - the options for JIT compilation. Note that
      this is only relevant for featurizers implemented with Nx.
      Defaults to `[]`

  ## Examples

      featurizer = Bumblebee.configure(Bumblebee.Vision.ConvNextFeaturizer)
      {:ok, img} = StbImage.read_file(path)
      inputs = Bumblebee.apply_featurizer(featurizer, [img])

  @doc type: :featurizer
  @spec apply_featurizer(Bumblebee.Featurizer.t(), any(), keyword()) :: any()
  def apply_featurizer(%module{} = featurizer, input, opts \\ []) do
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, defn_options: [])
    module.apply(featurizer, input, opts[:defn_options])

  @doc """
  Loads featurizer from a model repository.

  ## Options

    * `:module` - the featurizer module. By default it is inferred
      from the preprocessor configuration file, if that is not possible,
      it must be specified explicitly

  ## Examples

      {:ok, featurizer} = Bumblebee.load_featurizer({:hf, "microsoft/resnet-50"})

  @doc type: :featurizer
  @spec load_featurizer(repository(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, Bumblebee.Featurizer.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def load_featurizer(repository, opts \\ []) do
    repository = normalize_repository!(repository)
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, [:module])
    module = opts[:module]

    with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @featurizer_filename),
         {:ok, featurizer_data} <- decode_config(path) do
      module =
        module ||
          case infer_featurizer_type(featurizer_data, repository) do
            {:ok, module} -> module
            {:error, error} -> raise "#{error}, please specify the :module option"

      featurizer = configure(module)
      featurizer = HuggingFace.Transformers.Config.load(featurizer, featurizer_data)
      {:ok, featurizer}

  defp infer_featurizer_type(%{"feature_extractor_type" => class_name}, _repository) do
    case @transformers_class_to_featurizer[class_name] do
      nil ->
         "could not match the class name #{inspect(class_name)} to any of the supported featurizers"}

      module ->
        {:ok, module}

  defp infer_featurizer_type(%{"image_processor_type" => class_name}, _repository) do
    case @transformers_image_processor_type_to_featurizer[class_name] do
      nil ->
         "could not match the class name #{inspect(class_name)} to any of the supported featurizers"}

      module ->
        {:ok, module}

  defp infer_featurizer_type(_featurizer_data, repository) do
    with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @config_filename),
         {:ok, featurizer_data} <- decode_config(path) do
      case featurizer_data do
        %{"model_type" => model_type} ->
          case @model_type_to_featurizer[model_type] do
            nil ->
               "could not match model type #{inspect(model_type)} to any of the supported featurizers"}

            module ->
              {:ok, module}

        _ ->
          {:error, "could not infer featurizer type from the configuration"}

  @doc """
  Tokenizes and encodes `input` with the given tokenizer.

  ## Options

    * `:add_special_tokens` - whether to add special tokens. Defaults
      to `true`

    * `:pad_direction` - the padding direction, either `:right` or
      `:left`. Defaults to `:right`

    * `:return_attention_mask` - whether to return attention mask for
      encoded sequence. Defaults to `true`

    * `:return_token_type_ids` - whether to return token type ids for
      encoded sequence. Defaults to `true`

    * `:return_special_tokens_mask` - whether to return special tokens
      mask for encoded sequence. Defaults to `false`

    * `:return_offsets` - whether to return token offsets for encoded
      sequence. Defaults to `false`

    * `:length` - applies fixed length padding or truncation to the given
      input if set

  ## Examples

      tokenizer = Bumblebee.load_tokenizer({:hf, "bert-base-uncased"})
      inputs = Bumblebee.apply_tokenizer(tokenizer, ["The capital of France is [MASK]."])

  @doc type: :tokenizer
  @spec apply_tokenizer(
          Bumblebee.Tokenizer.input() | list(Bumblebee.Tokenizer.input()),
        ) :: any()
  def apply_tokenizer(%module{} = tokenizer, input, opts \\ []) do
    opts =
        add_special_tokens: true,
        pad_direction: :right,
        truncate_direction: :right,
        length: nil,
        return_attention_mask: true,
        return_token_type_ids: true,
        return_special_tokens_mask: false,
        return_offsets: false

    module.apply(tokenizer, input, opts)

  @doc """
  Loads tokenizer from a model repository.

  ## Options

    * `:module` - the tokenizer module. By default it is inferred from
      the configuration files, if that is not possible, it must be
      specified explicitly

  ## Examples

      {:ok, tokenizer} = Bumblebee.load_tokenizer({:hf, "bert-base-uncased"})

  @doc type: :tokenizer
  @spec load_tokenizer(repository(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, Bumblebee.Tokenizer.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def load_tokenizer(repository, opts \\ []) do
    repository = normalize_repository!(repository)
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, [:module])
    module = opts[:module]

    with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @tokenizer_filename) do
      module =
        module ||
          case infer_tokenizer_type(repository) do
            {:ok, module} -> module
            {:error, error} -> raise "#{error}, please specify the :module option"

      special_tokens_map =
        with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @tokenizer_special_tokens_filename),
             {:ok, special_tokens_map} <- decode_config(path) do
          _ -> %{}

      tokenizer = struct!(module)

      tokenizer =
        HuggingFace.Transformers.Config.load(tokenizer, %{
          "tokenizer_file" => path,
          "special_tokens_map" => special_tokens_map

      {:ok, tokenizer}

  defp infer_tokenizer_type(repository) do
    with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @config_filename),
         {:ok, tokenizer_data} <- decode_config(path) do
      case tokenizer_data do
        %{"model_type" => model_type} ->
          case @model_type_to_tokenizer[model_type] do
            nil ->
               "could not match model type #{inspect(model_type)} to any of the supported tokenizers"}

            module ->
              {:ok, module}

        _ ->
          {:error, "could not infer tokenizer type from the model configuration"}

  @doc """
  Loads generation config from a model repository.

  Generation config includes a number of model-specific properties,
  so it is usually best to load the config and further configure,
  rather than building from scratch.

  See `Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig` for all the available options.

  ## Examples

      {:ok, generation_config} = Bumblebee.load_generation_config({:hf, "gpt2"})

      generation_config = Bumblebee.configure(generation_config, max_new_tokens: 10)

  @spec load_generation_config(repository()) ::
          {:ok, Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def load_generation_config(repository) do
    repository = normalize_repository!(repository)

    file_result =
      with {:error, _} <- download(repository, @generation_filename) do
        download(repository, @config_filename)

    with {:ok, path} <- file_result,
         {:ok, generation_data} <- decode_config(path) do
      config = struct!(Bumblebee.Text.GenerationConfig)
      config = HuggingFace.Transformers.Config.load(config, generation_data)

      {:ok, config}

  @doc """
  Initializes state for a new scheduler loop.

  Returns a pair of `{state, timesteps}`, where `state` is an opaque
  container expected by `scheduler_step/4` and `timesteps` is a sequence
  of subsequent timesteps for model forward pass.

  Note that the number of `timesteps` may not match `num_steps` exactly.
  `num_steps` parameterizes sampling points, however depending on the
  method, sampling certain points may require multiple forward passes
  of the model and each element in `timesteps` corresponds to a single
  forward pass.
  @doc type: :scheduler
  @spec scheduler_init(
        ) :: {Bumblebee.Scheduler.state(), Nx.Tensor.t()}
  def scheduler_init(%module{} = scheduler, num_steps, sample_shape) do
    module.init(scheduler, num_steps, sample_shape)

  @doc """
  Predicts sample at the previous timestep using the given scheduler.

  Takes the current `sample` and `prediction` (usually noise) returned
  by the model at the current timestep. Returns `{state, prev_sample}`,
  where `state` is the updated scheduler loop state and `prev_sample`
  is the predicted sample at the previous timestep.

  Note that some schedulers require several forward passes of the model
  (and a couple calls to this function) to make an actual prediction for
  the previous sample.
  @doc type: :scheduler
  @spec scheduler_step(
        ) :: {Bumblebee.Scheduler.state(), Nx.Tensor.t()}
  def scheduler_step(%module{} = scheduler, state, sample, prediction) do
    module.step(scheduler, state, sample, prediction)

  @doc """
  Loads scheduler from a model repository.

  ## Options

    * `:module` - the scheduler module. By default it is inferred
      from the scheduler configuration file, if that is not possible,
      it must be specified explicitly

  ## Examples

      {:ok, scheduler} =
        Bumblebee.load_scheduler({:hf, "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4", subdir: "scheduler"})

  @doc type: :scheduler
  @spec load_scheduler(repository(), keyword()) ::
          {:ok, Bumblebee.Scheduler.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
  def load_scheduler(repository, opts \\ []) do
    repository = normalize_repository!(repository)
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, [:module])
    module = opts[:module]

    with {:ok, path} <- download(repository, @scheduler_filename),
         {:ok, scheduler_data} <- decode_config(path) do
      module =
        module ||
          case infer_scheduler_type(scheduler_data) do
            {:ok, module} -> module
            {:error, error} -> raise "#{error}, please specify the :module option"

      scheduler = configure(module)
      scheduler = HuggingFace.Transformers.Config.load(scheduler, scheduler_data)
      {:ok, scheduler}

  defp infer_scheduler_type(%{"_class_name" => class_name}) do
    case @diffusers_class_to_scheduler[class_name] do
      nil ->
         "could not match the class name #{inspect(class_name)} to any of the supported schedulers"}

      module ->
        {:ok, module}

  defp infer_scheduler_type(_scheduler_data) do
    {:error, "could not infer featurizer type from the configuration"}

  defp download({:local, dir}, filename) do
    path = Path.join(dir, filename)

    if File.exists?(path) do
      {:ok, path}
      {:error, "local file #{inspect(path)} does not exist"}

  defp download({:hf, repository_id, opts}, filename) do
    revision = opts[:revision]
    cache_dir = opts[:cache_dir]
    offline = opts[:offline]
    auth_token = opts[:auth_token]
    subdir = opts[:subdir]

    filename = if subdir, do: subdir <> "/" <> filename, else: filename

    url = HuggingFace.Hub.file_url(repository_id, filename, revision)

      cache_dir: cache_dir,
      offline: offline,
      auth_token: auth_token

  defp normalize_repository!({:hf, repository_id}) when is_binary(repository_id) do
    {:hf, repository_id, []}

  defp normalize_repository!({:hf, repository_id, opts}) when is_binary(repository_id) do
    opts = Keyword.validate!(opts, [:revision, :cache_dir, :offline, :auth_token, :subdir])
    {:hf, repository_id, opts}

  defp normalize_repository!({:local, dir}) when is_binary(dir) do
    {:local, dir}

  defp normalize_repository!(other) do
    raise ArgumentError,
          "expected repository to be either {:hf, repository_id}, {:hf, repository_id, options}" <>
            " or {:local, directory}, got: #{inspect(other)}"