# bungibindies

(incomplete) Gleam bindings to the Bun runtime API's.

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> Please note, not everything is implemented as of yet.
> See the [progress](./PROGRESS) section for more information.

gleam add bungibindies@1

This is a little example I borrowed from the tests:

pub fn file_write_test() {
  let data = "Hello world! This file is for testing writing :)"
  let file = bun.file("./test/testfiles/writing.txt")
  use _ <- promise.await({ file |> bun.write(data) })
  // If `file_read_test()` fails, this will fail too
  use read_data <- promise.await({ file |> bunfile.text() })
  |> string.trim()
  |> should.equal(data)
  |> promise.resolve()

I will be adding more examples to an example folder as I go along.

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests

### Dependencies

I try to not use anything else than Bun itself,
but I do use `gleam/javascript` to use non-bun-specific JavaScript stuff.