
Bureaucrat is a library that lets you generate API documentation of your Phoenix
app from tests.


First, add Bureaucrat to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

defp deps do
  [{:bureaucrat, "~> 0.1.4"}]

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

Next, in your `test/test_helper.exs` you should start Bureaucrat and configure
ExUnit to use its formatter. You would probably like to keep the default
`ExUnit.CLIFormatter` as well.

ExUnit.start(formatters: [ExUnit.CLIFormatter, Bureaucrat.Formatter])

And finally, import Bureaucrat helpers in `test/support/conn_case.ex`:

defmodule Spell.ConnCase do
  using do
    quote do
      import Bureaucrat.Helpers

To generate Phoenix channel documentation, import the helpers in `test/support/channel_case.ex` alike.


Bureaucrat collects data from connection structs used in tests.
If you want a connection to be documented, pass it to the `doc/1` function:

test "GET /api/v1/products" do
  conn = conn()
      |> get("/api/v1/products")
      |> doc
  assert conn.status == 200

Additional options can be passed to the backend formatter:

test "GET /api/v1/products" do
  conn = conn()
      |> get("/api/v1/products")
      |> doc(description: "List all products", operation_id: "list_products")
  assert conn.status == 200


Then, to generate the documentation file(s) run `DOC=1 mix test`.
The default output file is `web/controllers/`.

### Custom intro sections

To add a custom intro section, for each output file, bureaucrat will look for an __intro markdown file__ in the output directory,
named like the output file with a `_intro` or `_INTRO` suffix (before `.md`, if present), e.g.

  * `web/controllers/README` -> `web/controllers/README_INTRO`
  * `web/controllers/` -> `web/controllers/`

Currently only supported by the (default) `Bureaucrat.MarkdownWriter`.

Documenting Phoenix Channels

Bureaucrat can also generate documentation for messages, replies and broadcasts in [Phoenix Channels](

Results of `assert_push`, `assert_broadcast` and the underlying `assert_receive` (if used for messages or broadcasts) can be passed to the `doc` function.

To document usage of [Phoenix.ChannelTest]( helpers `push`, `broadcast_from` and `broadcast_from!`, Bureaucrat includes documenting alternatives, prefixed with `doc_`:
  * `doc_push`
  * `doc_broadcast_from`
  * `doc_broadcast_from!`

test "message:new broadcasts are pushed to the client", %{socket: socket} do
  doc_broadcast_from! socket, "message:new", %{body: "Hello there!", timestamp: 1483971926566, user: "marla"}
  assert_push("message:new", %{body: "Hello there!", timestamp: 1483971926566, user: "marla"})
  |> doc

Channels docs output is currently only supported by the `Bureaucrat.MarkdownWriter` and only to the `default_path` (see [Configuration](#configuration) below).

Swagger & Slate Integration

Bureaucrat comes with the `Bureaucrat.SwaggerSlateMarkdownWriter` backend that will merge test examples with a swagger spec to produce markdown files that can be processed with the [slate]( static generator.

To configure swagger integration, first write a swagger file by hand or generate one using [phoenix_swagger]( In the example below, the swagger file exists in the project at `priv/static/swagger.json`.

Clone the slate project into a directory in your project:

git clone --shallow doc

Configure Bureaucrat `writer`, `default_path` and `swagger`:

  env_var: "DOC",
  writer: Bureaucrat.SwaggerSlateMarkdownWriter,
  default_path: "doc/source/",
  swagger: "priv/static/swagger.json" |>!() |> Poison.decode!())

Within each test, link the test example to a swagger operation by passing an `operation_id` to the `doc` helper:

test "creates and renders resource when data is valid", %{conn: conn} do
  conn =
    |> post(user_path(conn, :create), user: @valid_attrs)
    |> doc(operation_id: "create_user")

  assert json_response(conn, 201)["data"]["id"]
  assert Repo.get_by(User, @valid_attrs)

Now generate documentation with `DOC=1 mix test`.

Use slate to convert the markdown to HTML:

cd doc
bundle install
bundle exec middleman build

To serve the documentation directly from your application, copy the slate build output to your `priv/static` directory:

mkdir priv/static/doc
cp -R doc/build/* priv/static/doc

Whitelist the `doc` directory for static assets in the `Plug.Static` configuration:

plug Plug.Static,
  at: "/", from: :swagger_demo, gzip: false,
  only: ~w(css doc fonts images js favicon.ico robots.txt)

Run your application with `mix phoenix.server` and visit `http://localhost:4000/doc/index.html` to see your documentation.

For a full example see the `examples/swagger_demo` project.


The configuration options can be passed to `Bureaucrat.start`:

 writer: Bureaucrat.MarkdownWriter,
 default_path: "web/controllers/",
 paths: [],
 titles: [],
 env_var: "DOC"

The available options are:

* `:writer`: The module used to generate docs from the list of captured
* `:default_path`: The path where the docs are written by default.
* `:paths`: Allows you to specify different doc paths for some of your modules.
For example `[{YourApp.Api.V1, "web/controllers/api/v1/"}]` will
cause the docs for controllers under `YourApp.Api.V1` namespace to
be written to `web/controllers/api/v1/`.
* `:titles`: Allows you to specify explicit titles for some of your modules.
For example `[{YourApp.Api.V1.UserController, "API /v1/users"}]` will
change the title (Table of Contents entry and heading) for this controller.
* `:env_var`: The environment variable used as a flag to trigger doc generation.