Butler is a simple slack bot designed to make your life easier. He's a swell guy.
## Creating your own Butler
You can install the butler archive with this command:
$ mix archive.install
Once you've done that you can generate your robot. For instance, if you want
to name your robot `marvin` then you would run:
$ mix marvin
$ cd marvin
$ mix deps.get
$ mix run --no-halt
Congratulations! You now have your own butler.
### Plugins
Plugins give Butler abilities. They provide a simple api for listening for
specific commands.
### Adapters
Butler has adapters in order to talk to multiple chat platforms. The default platform
is Slack and an adapter is provided as a part of Butler.
For local development there is a terminal adapter which provides a lightweight
repl interface.
### Slack Adapter
Butler needs a slack api token in order to connect to your organization.
$ export SLACK_API_KEY=your_api_key
You can then run butler in production mode.
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix run --no-halt
## Contributing
Butler is still a work in progress and we appreciate any contributions. If you
have questions then feel free to open an issue.