Butler is a simple slack bot designed to make your life easier. He's a swell guy.
## Creating your own Butler
You can install the butler archive with this command:
$ mix archive.install
Once you've done that you can generate your robot. For instance, if you want
to name your robot `marvin` then you would run:
$ mix marvin
$ cd marvin
$ mix deps.get
$ mix run --no-halt
Congratulations! You now have your own butler.
Butler comes with a default configuration, which can be updated in `config/config.exs` or `config/ENV.exs` per environment.
### Plugins
Plugins give Butler abilities. They provide a simple api for listening for
specific commands.
### Adapters
Butler has adapters in order to talk to multiple chat platforms. The default platform
is Slack and an adapter is provided as a part of Butler.
For local development there is a terminal adapter which provides a lightweight
repl interface.
### Slack Adapter
Butler needs a slack api token in order to connect to your organization.
$ export BUTLER_SLACK_API_KEY=your_api_key
You can then run butler in production mode.
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix run --no-halt
### Deploying to Heroku
Heroku is the easiest way to deploy your bot:
First you'll need to create a new application with the elixir buildpack:
$ heroku create --buildpack ""
Or if you've already created your application you can set the buildpack directly:
$ heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=""
Before you deploy you need to set any environment variables that you'll need.
For the slack adapter that will be this:
$ heroku config:set BUTLER_SLACK_API_KEY=your-api-key
You'll also have to make sure that any variables you need at compile time are
included in the elixir_buildpack.config file:
$ cat elixir_buildpack.config
If these config vars aren't included in the `config_vars_to_export` then they
won't be availble during compile time which will cause issues during runtime.
For more information on configuration you can check out the [elixir_buildpack](
Once the configuration variables have been set its time to push:
$ git push heroku master
You should see a lot of logging and after your bot should be up and running.
If you have any issues you can review the heroku logs:
$ heroku logs
Your bot should now be deployed!
### Deploying to Unix
There are a number of ways to deploy to unix. The recommended way is to create
a release of Butler with [exrm]( and run the
release on your vps or server of choice.
## Contributing
Butler is still a work in progress and we appreciate any contributions. If you
have questions then feel free to open an issue.