
defmodule Cachex.Policy.LRW.Scheduled do
  @moduledoc """
  Scheduled least recently written eviction policy for Cachex.

  This module implements a scheduled LRW eviction policy for Cachex, using a basic
  timer to trigger bound enforcement in a repeatable way. This has the same bound
  accuracy as `Cachex.Policy.LRW.Evented`, but has potential for some delay. The
  main advantage of this implementation is a far lower memory cost due to not
  using hook messages.
  use Cachex.Hook

  # import macros
  import Cachex.Spec

  # add internal aliases
  alias Cachex.Policy.LRW

  # Hook Configuration #

  @doc """
  Returns the actions this policy should listen on.
  @spec actions :: [atom]
  def actions,
    do: []

  @doc """
  Returns the provisions this policy requires.
  @spec provisions :: [atom]
  def provisions,
    do: [:cache]

  # Server Callbacks #

  @doc false
  # Initializes this policy using the limit being enforced.
  def init(limit() = limit),
    do: {schedule(limit), {nil, limit}}

  @doc false
  # Handles notification of a cache action.
  # This will execute a bounds check on a cache and schedule a new check.
  def handle_info(:policy_check, {cache, limit} = opts) do
    unless is_nil(cache) do
      LRW.apply_limit(cache, limit)

    schedule(limit) && {:noreply, opts}

  @doc false
  # Receives a provisioned cache instance.
  # The provided cache is then stored in the cache and used for cache calls going
  # forwards, in order to skip the lookups inside the cache overseer for performance.
  def handle_provision({:cache, cache}, {_cache, limit}),
    do: {:ok, {cache, limit}}

  # Private API #

  # Schedules a check to occur after the designated interval.
  defp schedule(limit(options: options)) do
    |> Keyword.get(:frequency, 1000)
    |> :erlang.send_after(self(), :policy_check)
