
defmodule Cachex.Services.Informant do
  @moduledoc """
  Parent module for all child hook definitions for a cache.

  This module will control the supervision tree for all hooks that are
  associated with a cache. The links inside will create a tree to hold
  all hooks as children, as well as provide utility functions for new
  notifications being sent to child hooks for a cache.
  import Cachex.Spec

  # Public API #

  @doc """
  Starts a new Informant service for a cache.

  This will start a Supervisor to hold all hook processes as defined in
  the provided cache record. If no hooks are attached in the cache record,
  this will skip creating an unnecessary Supervisor process.
  @spec start_link(Spec.cache()) :: Supervisor.on_start()
  def start_link(cache(hooks: hooks(pre: [], post: []))),
    do: :ignore

  def start_link(cache(hooks: hooks(pre: pre_hooks, post: post_hooks))) do
    |> Enum.concat(post_hooks)
    |> Supervisor.start_link(strategy: :one_for_one)

  @doc """
  Broadcasts an action to all pre-hooks in a cache.

  This will send a nil result, as the result does not yet exist.
  @spec broadcast(Spec.cache(), tuple) :: :ok
  def broadcast(cache(hooks: hooks(pre: pre_hooks)), action),
    do: broadcast_action(pre_hooks, action, nil)

  @doc """
  Broadcasts an action and result to all post-hooks in a cache.
  @spec broadcast(Spec.cache(), tuple, any) :: :ok
  def broadcast(cache(hooks: hooks(post: post_hooks)), action, result),
    do: broadcast_action(post_hooks, action, result)

  @doc """
  Links all hooks in a cache to their running process.

  This is a required post-step as hooks are started independently and
  are not named in a deterministic way. It will look up all hooks using
  the Supervisor children and place them in a modified cache record.
  @spec link(Spec.cache()) :: {:ok, Spec.cache()}
  def link(cache(hooks: hooks(pre: [], post: [])) = cache),
    do: {:ok, cache}

  def link(
        cache(name: name, hooks: hooks(pre: pre_hooks, post: post_hooks)) =
      ) do
    children =
      |> Supervisor.which_children()
      |> find_pid(__MODULE__)
      |> Supervisor.which_children()

    link_pre = attach_hook_pid(pre_hooks, children)
    link_post = attach_hook_pid(post_hooks, children)

    {:ok, cache(cache, hooks: hooks(pre: link_pre, post: link_post))}

  @doc """
  Notifies a set of hooks of the passed in data.

  This is the underlying implementation for `broadcast/2` and `broadcast/3`,
  but it's general purpose enough that it's exposed as part of the public API.
  @spec notify([Spec.hook()], tuple, any) :: :ok
  def notify(hooks, {_name, _args} = action, result) when is_list(hooks) do
    Enum.each(hooks, fn
      # not running, so skip
      hook(name: nil) ->

      # handling of running hooks
      hook(name: name, module: module) ->
        # define the base payload, regardless of type
        payload = {:cachex_notify, {action, result}}

        # handle async vs. sync
        case module.async?() do
          true -> send(name, payload)
          false ->, payload, :infinity)

  # Private API #

  # Iterates a list of hooks and finds their reference in list of children.
  # When there is a reference found, the hook is updated with the new PID.
  defp attach_hook_pid(hooks, children) do, fn
      hook(module: module, name: nil) = hook ->
        hook(hook, name: find_pid(children, module))

      hook ->

  # Broadcasts an action to hooks listening for it.
  # This will enforce the actions list inside a hook definition to ensure
  # that hooks only receive actions that they currently care about.
  defp broadcast_action(hooks, {action, _args} = msg, result) do
    actionable =
      Enum.filter(hooks, fn hook(module: module) ->
        case module.actions() do
          :all -> true
          enum -> action in enum

    notify(actionable, msg, result)

  # Locates a process identifier for the given module.
  # This uses a list of child modules; if no child is
  # found, the value returned is nil.
  defp find_pid(children, module) do
    Enum.find_value(children, fn
      {^module, pid, _, _} -> pid
      _ -> nil

  # Generates a Supervisor specification for a hook.
  defp spec(hook(module: module, name: name, state: state)) do
    options =
      case name do
        nil -> [module, state]
        val -> [module, state, [name: val]]

    %{id: module, start: {GenServer, :start_link, options}}