
defmodule Cachex.Services.Janitor do
  @moduledoc """
  Expiration service to clean up expired cache records periodically.

  The Janitor provides the main expiration cleanup for Cachex, providing a
  very basic scheduler to repeatedly cleanup cache tables for all expired

  This runs in a separate process to avoid any potential overhead in for
  a user, but uses existing functions in the API so manual cleanup is
  possible. It's possible that certain cleanups will result in full table
  scans, so it should be expected that this can take a while to execute.
  use GenServer

  # import parent macros
  import Cachex.Errors
  import Cachex.Spec

  # add some aliases
  alias Cachex.Services
  alias Services.Informant
  alias Services.Overseer

  # Public API #

  @doc """
  Starts a new Janitor process for a cache.

  At this point customization is non-existent, in order to keep the service
  as simple as possible and avoid the space for error and edge cases.
  @spec start_link(Spec.cache()) :: GenServer.on_start()
  def start_link(cache(name: name) = cache),
    do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, cache, name: name(name, :janitor))

  @doc """
  Pulls an expiration associated with an entry.
  @spec expiration(Spec.cache(), integer) :: integer
  def expiration(cache(expiration: expiration(default: default)), nil),
    do: default

  def expiration(_cache, expiration),
    do: expiration

  @doc """
  Determines if a cache entry has expired.

  This will take cache lazy expiration settings into account.
  @spec expired?(Spec.cache(), Spec.entry()) :: boolean
  def expired?(cache(expiration: expiration(lazy: lazy)), entry() = entry),
    do: lazy and expired?(entry)

  @doc """
  Determines if a cache entry has expired.

  This will not cache lazy expiration settings into account.
  @spec expired?(Spec.entry()) :: boolean
  def expired?(entry(touched: touched, ttl: ttl)) when is_number(ttl),
    do: touched + ttl < now()

  def expired?(_entry),
    do: false

  @doc """
  Retrieves information about the latest Janitor run for a cache.

  If the service is disabled on the cache, an error is returned.
  @spec last_run(Spec.cache()) :: %{}
  def last_run(cache(expiration: expiration(interval: nil))),
    do: error(:janitor_disabled)

  def last_run(cache() = cache),
    do: service_call(cache, :janitor, :last)

  # Server Callbacks #

  @doc false
  # Initializes a Janitor service using a cache record.
  # This will create the structure used to store metadata about
  # the run cycles of the Janitor, and schedule the first run.
  def init(cache),
    do: {:ok, {schedule_check(cache), %{}}}

  @doc false
  # Returns metadata about the last run of this Janitor.
  # The returned information should be treated as non-guaranteed.
  def handle_call(:last, _ctx, {_cache, last} = state),
    do: {:reply, {:ok, last}, state}

  @doc false
  # Executes an expiration cleanup against a cache table.
  # This will drop to the ETS level and use a select to match documents which
  # need to be removed; they are then deleted by ETS at very high speeds.
  def handle_info(:ttl_check, {cache(name: name), _last}) do
    start_time = now()
    new_caches = Overseer.retrieve(name)

    {duration, {:ok, count} = result} = ->
        Cachex.purge(new_caches, const(:local))

    case count do
      0 -> nil
      _ -> Informant.broadcast(new_caches, const(:purge_override_call), result)

    last = %{
      count: count,
      duration: duration,
      started: start_time

    {:noreply, {schedule_check(new_caches), last}}

  # Private API #

  # Schedules a check to occur after the designated interval. Once scheduled,
  # returns the state - this is just sugar for pipelining with a state.
  defp schedule_check(
         cache(expiration: expiration(interval: interval)) = cache
       do: :erlang.send_after(interval, self(), :ttl_check) && cache