# CainOpenApi
Camunda-BPM 7.13.0 is shipped with a REST-API considering the OpenAPI specification 3.0.2. so the specs can be interpreted during compile time.
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `cain_oa` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:cain_oa, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Using
Download the current open api spec following the instructions on the official Camunda docs web-page (https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/reference/rest/openapi/).
Define a module which is using CainOpenApi.
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
use CainOpenApi
After compilation the REST-Endpoints are accessible like `Endpoint.Deployment` and returning a four elmented tuple including all relevant information `method`, `path`, `body` and `query` for your HTTP-Client.
# {:get, "/deployment", %{}, []}
An Endpoint.Module is equiped with all possible functions and parameters.
iex(1)> Endpoint.Deployment.get_deployment
get_deployment/1 get_deployment_resource/2
get_deployment_resource_data/2 get_deployment_resources/1
get_deployments/0 get_deployments/1
get_deployments_count/0 get_deployments_count/1
Just call `IEx.Helpers.h` for the offical REST-docs of a function.
Additionaly, every compiled module is equiped with an `.__queries__/1` or
`.__request_body__/1` function to ask for usable params by simply invoking them using a function name as an atom.
iex(1)> Endpoint.Deployment.__queries__(:get_deployments)
id: :string,
name: :string,
name_like: :string,
source: :string,
without_source: :boolean,
tenant_id_in: :string,
without_tenant_id: :boolean,
include_deployments_without_tenant_id: :boolean,
after: :string,
before: :string,
sort_by: :string,
sort_order: :string,
first_result: :integer,
max_results: :integer