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An authorization library in Elixir for Plug applications that restricts what resources
the current user is allowed to access, and automatically loads resources for the current request.
Inspired by [CanCan]( for Ruby on Rails.
[Read the docs](
## Installation
For the latest master:
defp deps do
{:canary, github: "cpjk/canary"}
For the latest release:
defp deps do
{:canary, "~> 0.14.1"}
Then run `mix deps.get` to fetch the dependencies.
## Usage
Canary provides three functions to be used as plugs to load and authorize resources:
`load_resource/2`, `authorize_resource/2`, and `load_and_authorize_resource/2`.
Just `import Canary.Plugs` in order to use the plugs. In a Phoenix app the best place would probably be in your `web/web.ex`.
By default, Canary expects `conn.assigns.current_user` to contain an Ecto record representing the user to authorize.
Specify your Ecto repo in your configuration:
config :canary, repo: Project.Repo
### load_resource/2
Loads the resource having the id given in `conn.params["id"]` from the database using the given Ecto repo and model, and assigns the resource to `conn.assigns.<resource_name>`, where `resource_name` is inferred from the model name.
For example,
plug :load_resource, model: Project.User
Will load the `Project.User` having the id given in `conn.params["id"]` through `Project.Repo`, into
### authorize_resource/2
Checks whether or not the `current_user` can perform the given action on the given resource and assigns the result (true/false) to `conn.assigns.authorized`. It is up to you to decide what to do with the result.
For Phoenix applications, Canary determines the action automatically.
For non-Phoenix applications, or to override the action provided by Phoenix, simply ensure that `conn.assigns.canary_action` contains an atom specifying the action.
In order to authorize resources, you must specify permissions by implementing the [Canada.Can protocol]( for your `User` model (Canada is included as a light weight dependency).
### load_and_authorize_resource/2
Authorizes the resource and then loads it if authorization succeeds. Again, the resource is loaded into `conn.assigns.<resource_name>`.
In the following example, the `User` with the same id as the `current_user` is only loaded if authorization succeeds.
### Example
Let's say you have a Phoenix application with a `User` model, and you want to authorize the `current_user` for accessing `User` resources.
Let's suppose that you have implemented Canada.Can in your `abilities.ex` like so:
defimpl Canada.Can, for: User do
def can?(%User{ id: user_id }, action, %User{ id: user_id })
when action in [:show], do: true
def can?(%User{ id: user_id }, _, _), do: false
and in your `web/router.ex:` you have:
get "/users/:id", UserController, :show
delete "/users/:id", UserController, :delete
To automatically load and authorize the `Project.User` having the `id` given in the params, you would plug your `UserController` like so:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User
In this case, the `Project.User` specified by `conn.params["id"]` is loaded into `conn.assigns.user` for `GET /users/12`, but _not_ for `DELETE /users/12`.
In this case, on `GET /users/12` authorization succeeds, and the `Project.User` specified by `conn.params["id]` will be loaded into `conn.assigns.user`.
However, on `DELETE /users/12`, authorization fails and the resource is not loaded.
### Excluding actions
To exclude an action from any of the plugs, pass the `:except` key, with a single action or list of actions.
For example,
Single action form:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User, except: :show
List form:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User, except: [:show, :create]
### Authorizing only specific actions
To specify that a plug should be run only for a specific list of actions, pass the `:only` key, with a single action or list of actions.
For example,
Single action form:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User, only: :show
List form:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User, only: [:show, :create]
Note: Passing both `:only` and `:except` to a plug is invalid. Currently, the plug will simply pass the `Conn` along unchanged.
### Overriding the default user
Globally, the default key for finding the user to authorize can be set in your configuration as follows:
config :canary, current_user: :some_current_user
In this case, canary will look for the current user record in `conn.assigns.some_current_user`.
The current user can also be overridden for individual plugs as follows:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User, current_user: :current_admin
### Specifying resource_name
To specify the name under which the loaded resource is stored, pass the `:as` flag in the plug declaration.
For example,
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.Post, as: :new_post
will load the post into `conn.assigns.new_post`
### Preloading associations
Associations can be preloaded with `Repo.preload` by passing the `:preload` option with the name of the association:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Project.User, preload: :posts
### A note about index, new, and create actions
For the `:index`, `:new`, and `:create` actions, the resource passed to the `Canada.Can` implementation
should be the *module* name of the model rather than a struct.
For example, when authorizing access to the `Post` resource,
def can?(%User{}, :index, Post), do: true
instead of
def can?(%User{}, :index, %Post{}), do: true
### Implementing Canada.Can for an anonymous user
You may wish to define permissions for when there is no logged in current user (when `conn.assigns.current_user` is `nil`).
In this case, you can implement `Canada.Can` for `nil` like so:
defimpl Canada.Can, for: Atom do
# When the user is not logged in, authorization should always fail
def can?(nil, _, _), do: false
### Nested associations
Sometimes you need to load and authorize a parent resource when you have a relationship between two resources and you are
creating a new one or listing all the children of that parent. By specifying the `:persisted` option with `true`
you can load and/or authorize a nested resource. Specifying this option overrides the default loading behavior of the
`:index`, `:new`, and `:create` actions by loading an individual resource. It also overrides the default
authorization behavior of the `:index`, `:new`, and `create` actions by loading a struct instead of a module
name for the call to `Canada.can?`.
For example, when loading and authorizing a `Post` resource which can have one or more `Comment` resources, use
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Post, id_name: "post_id", persisted: true, only: [:create]
to load and authorize the parent `Post` resource using the `post_id` in /posts/:post_id/comments before you
create the `Comment` resource using its parent.
### Specifing database field
You can tell Canary to search for a resource using a field other than the default `:id` by using the `:id_field` option. Note that the specified field must be able to uniquely identify any resource in the specified table.
For example, if you want to access your posts using a string field called `slug`, you can use
plug :load_and_authorize_resource, model: Post, id_name: "slug", id_field: "slug"
to load and authorize the resource `Post` with the slug specified by `conn.params["slug"]` value.
In this case in your `web/router.ex` you should have something like:
resources "/posts", PostController, param: "slug"
Then your URLs will look like:
instead of
### Handling unauthorized actions
By default, when an action is unauthorized, Canary simply sets `conn.assigns.authorized` to `false`.
However, you can configure a handler function to be called when authorization fails. Canary will pass the `Plug.Conn` to the given function. The handler should accept a `Plug.Conn` as its only argument, and should return a `Plug.Conn`.
For example, to have Canary call `Helpers.handle_unauthorized/1`:
config :canary, unauthorized_handler: {Helpers, :handle_unauthorized}
### Handling resource not found
By default, when a resource is not found, Canary simply sets the resource in `conn.assigns` to `nil`. Like unauthorized action handling , you can configure a function to which Canary will pass the `conn` when a resource is not found:
config :canary, not_found_handler: {Helpers, :handle_not_found}
You can also specify handlers on an an individual basis (which will override the corresponding configured handler, if any) by specifying the corresponding `opt` in the plug call:
plug :load_and_authorize_resource Post,
unauthorized_handler: {Helpers, :handle_unauthorized},
not_found_handler: {Helpers, :handle_not_found}
Tip: If you wish the request handling to stop after the handler function exits, e.g. when redirecting, be sure to call `Plug.Conn.halt/1` within your handler like so:
def handle_unauthorized(conn) do
|> put_flash(:error, "You can't access that page!")
|> redirect(to: "/")
|> halt
Note: If both an `:unauthorized_handler` and a `:not_found_handler` are specified for `load_and_authorize_resource`, and the request meets the criteria for both, the `:unauthorized_handler` will be called first.
## License
MIT License. Copyright 2016 Chris Kelly.