<p align=center><img src="logo.png" width="350px"></p>
A library for `CAN` written in [Elixir](
> **INFO**:
> `Cannes` is still under development and by far not complete. Feel free to contribute.
> See [General Informations](##General-Informations) for more about this project
## Installation
To use Cannes in your Mix projects, first add Cannes as a dependency.
def deps do
{:cannes, "~> 0.0.4"}
## Prerequisites
- Install Python v3.x
- Install Elixir v1.11+
- Setup a [virtualenv]( and activate it
- Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install the python dependencies
- Run `mix deps.get` to install the Hex dependencies
## General Informations
This is a small part of my master thesis.
In the meantime, if anyone would like to add anything, feel free to do so.
## Release notes
See the [changelog]( for changes between versions.