# CaptchaEx

A simple Elixir package for implementing [reCAPTCHA] and other Captcha in Elixir applications.


## Installation

Add `:captcha_ex` to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

  defp deps do
      {:captcha_ex, "~> 0.1"},

List `:captcha_ex` as an application dependency:

  def application do
      extra_applications: [:captcha_ex]

Run `mix do deps.get, compile`

## Config

By default the public and private keys are loaded via the `RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY` and `RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY` environment variables.

config :captcha_ex,
  public_key: {:system, "RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY"},
  secret: {:system, "RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY"}

### JSON Decoding

By default `captcha` will use `Jason` to decode JSON responses, this can be changed as such:

config :captcha_ex, :json_library, Poison

## Usage

### Render the Widget

Use `raw` (if you're using Phoenix.HTML) and `CaptchaEx.Template.display/1` methods to render the captcha widget.

For captcha_ex with checkbox:

<form name="someform" method="post" action="/somewhere">
  <%= raw CaptchaEx.Template.display %>

For invisible captcha_ex:

<form name="someform" method="post" action="/somewhere">
  <%= raw CaptchaEx.Template.display(size: "invisible") %>

To change the position of the invisible captcha_ex, use an option badge. See on the date-badge.

Since captcha_ex loads JavaScript code asynchronously, you cannot immediately submit the captcha form.
If you have logic that needs to know if the captcha code has already been loaded (for example disabling submit button until fully loaded), it is possible to pass in a JS-callback that will be called once the captcha has finished loading.
This can be done as follows:

<form name="someform" method="post" action="/somewhere">
  <%= raw CaptchaEx.Template.display(onload: "myOnLoadCallback") %>

And then in your JS code:

function myOnLoadCallback() {
  // perform extra actions here

`display` method accepts additional options as a keyword list, the options are:

Option                  | Action                                                 | Default
:---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------
`noscript`              | Renders default noscript code provided by google       | `false`
`public_key`            | Sets key to the `data-sitekey` reCaptcha div attribute | Public key from the config file
`hl`                    | Sets the language of the reCaptcha                     | en

### Verify API

Recaptcha provides the `verify/2` method. Below is an example using a Phoenix controller action:

def create(conn, params) do
  case CaptchaEx.verify(params["g-captcha_ex-response"]) do
    {:ok, response} -> do_something
    {:error, errors} -> handle_error

`verify` method sends a `POST` request to the reCAPTCHA API and returns 2 possible values:

`{:ok, %Recaptcha.Response{challenge_ts: timestamp, hostname: host}}` -> The captcha is valid, see the [documentation]( for more details.

`{:error, errors}` -> `errors` contains atomised versions of the errors returned by the API, See the [error documentation]( for more details. Errors caused by timeouts in HTTPoison or Jason encoding are also returned as atoms. If the captcha_ex request succeeds but the challenge is failed, a `:challenge_failed` error is returned.

`verify` method also accepts a keyword list as the third parameter with the following options:

Option                  | Action                                                 | Default
:---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------
`timeout`               | Time to wait before timeout                            | 5000 (ms)
`secret`                | Private key to send as a parameter of the API request  | Private key from the config file
`remote_ip`             | Optional. The user's IP address, used by reCaptcha     | no default

## Testing

In order to test your endpoints you should set the secret key to the following value in order to receive a positive result from all queries to the Recaptcha engine.

config :captcha_ex,
  secret: "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe"

Setting up tests without network access can be done also. When configured as such a positive or negative result can be generated locally.

config :captcha_ex,
  http_client: CaptchaEx.Http.MockClient,
  secret: "6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe"

  {:ok, _details} = CaptchaEx.verify("valid_response")

  {:error, _details} = CaptchaEx.verify("invalid_response")


## Contributing

Check out [](/ if you want to help.

## Copyright and License

Copyright &copy; 2016 Samuel Seay

Copyright &copy; 2023 Pratik Karki

This library is released under the MIT License. See the [](./ file
for further details.