# CarCache

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CLOCK with adaptive replacement (CAR) cache, based on the following paper:

[CAR: Clock with Adaptive Replacement](

CAR is a self tuning cache that strives to find a balance between frequently
accessed items and recently accessed items.

CAR is fairly similar to ARC [Adaptive Replacement Cache]( for which there is a
good introductory explanation here: [Adaptive Replacement Cache](

## Usage

The cache must be given a `name` and a `max_size` when started.

{:ok, _pid} = CarCache.start_link(name: :my_cache, max_size: 1_000)

After the process has started you can use it based on it's name:

> CarCache.get(:my_cache, :foo)

> CarCache.insert(:my_cache, :foo, :bar)

> CarCache.get(:my_cache, :foo)