## [0.14.0] - 2024-07-25

**New migration patches:** 10

### Fixed

- Improve performance of test setups by using a transaction-local variable in `override_mode/2` . The previous implementation could cause parallel tests to wait for row locks on the `triggers` table.
- Replaced calls to `Ecto.Migration.timestamps/1` in migrations with explicit `add(:inserted_at, ...)` calls. This ensures that we don't be affected by users' `@migration_timestamps` options.

## [0.13.0] - 2024-06-27

**New migration patches:** 9

### Fixed

- Fix `set_transaction_id` trigger not using the PK index on `transactions` due to being dependent on `CURRVAL` for every row. Replaced with a CTE the `EXIST` query is now an index-only scan as it was intended to be. As a consequence, scalability of inserts into the `transactions` table has been greatly improved.

## [0.12.1] - 2024-05-21

### Fixed

- Fix incomplete rollback logic in migration 8, leading to leftover procedures in the carbonite prefix when rolling back all the way (e.g. `Carbonite.Migrations.down(8..1)`). (#100, @xadhoom)

## [0.12.0] - 2024-05-17

**New migration patches:** 8

### Fixed

- Make the trigger function correctly mask the `filtered_columns` in the `changed_from` JSON object if `store_changed_from` is set. (#96)

⚠️ Unfortunately, this bug caused Carbonite to persist potentially sensitive data in the `changed_from` object even though they were listed in the `filtered_columns`. All users who combine `store_changed_from: true` with a `filtered_columns` setting should upgrade and assess the impact of this potential data leak.

## [0.11.1] - 2024-04-25

### Fixed

- Migration: Creating table `changes` failed when Ecto's `@migration_foreign_key` is set to `[column: <anything but id>]`.

## [0.11.0] - 2023-11-14

**New migration patches:** 7

### Added

- Add a new index on `transaction_id` in the `changes` table, to speed up queries for a transaction's changes and the `purge` operation. The existing `changes_transaction_id_index` (on `transaction_xact_id` column) has been renamed to `changes_transaction_xact_id_index`.
- Allow ranges of migration patches in `Carbonite.Migrations.up/2` / `down/2`.

## [0.10.0] - 2023-09-20

### Fixed

* Fixed a minor incompatibility with recently released Postgres 16.0.

## [0.9.0] - 2023-04-27

**New migration patches:** 6

### Fixed

* Correctly detect changes to array fields.

Previously, detection of changes was done via the `@>` operator to test "containment" of a `{col: old_value}` JSON object in the JSON object of the new record. Unfortunately, Postgres' "jsonb containment" (see [docs]( views array subsets as contained within their subsets, as well as arrays in different orders to be contained within each other. Both of these cases we want to track as a changed value.

⚠️ This bug caused Carbonite to not identify a changed array field correctly, meaning it may not have been listed in the `changed` and `changed_from` columns of the `Carbonite.Change` record. Unfortunately, this also means that **versions may have been discarded entirely** if no other fields of a record were updated at the same time.

## [0.8.0] - 2023-03-27

### Added

* Add `:to` option to `Carbonite.override_mode/2` to specify an explicit target mode. Useful for toggling the mode around test fixtures.

## [0.7.2] - 2023-03-07

### Fixed

* Fix `Carbonite.process/4` success typing by explicitly picking options.

## [0.7.1] - 2023-02-15

### Fixed

* Fix `carbonite_prefix` on `Query.outbox_done/2`. Apply the prefix on the nested outbox query as well.

## [0.7.0] - 2023-02-15

### Fixed

* `Carbonite.override_mode/2` and most functions in `Carbonite.Query` were broken when using a non-default `carbonite_prefix` option. Fixed by moving the `prefix` option onto the `from` expression.

### Added

* Added `:initially` option to `create_trigger/2` to create triggers with `IMMEDIATE DEFERRED` constraint option. This allows to conditionally insert the `Carbonite.Transaction` record at the end of the transaction. In order to use this for already existing triggers, you need to drop them (`drop_trigger/2`) and re-create them.

### Changed

* Made the changes trigger `DEFERRABLE`. As part of the `:initially` option of `create_trigger/2`, we chose to make triggers `DEFERRABLE` by default. Again, for any existing triggers, this won't take effect, but newly created triggers will use this constraint option.
* Dropped support for `preload: atom | [atom]`-style of specifying preloads on a query in `Carbonite.Query`.

## [0.6.0] - 2022-10-12

**New migration patches:** 5

### Added

* Optional tracking of previous data in changes. Set the `store_changed_from` trigger option.

### Changed 

* Added `@schema_prefix "carbonite_default"` on all schemas. This will enable the manual usage of `Repo.insert/2` & friends on transactions without specifying a prefix, when using the default carbonite prefix.

## [0.5.0] - 2022-02-25

**New migration patches:** 4

### Switch to normal identity column on `transactions`

* The `id` column on `transactions` has been replaced with an ordinary autoincrementing integer PK, filled from a sequence. Next to it a new `xact_id` column continues to store the transaction id (from `pg_current_xact_id`). Both values used together ensure that, first the `id` is monotonically increasing and survives a backup restore (see issue #45), and second the `changes` records can still only be inserted within the same transaction.

### Added

* `Carbonite.Migrations.insert_migration_transaction/1` and its macro friend, `insert_migration_transaction_after_begin`, help with data migrations.
* `Carbonite.fetch_changes` returns the changes of the current (ongoing) transaction.

## [0.4.0] - 2021-11-07

**New migration patches:** 2, 3

### Switch to top-level API with `repo` param

* `Carbonite.override_mode/2` (kept a wrapper in `Carbonite.Multi`)
* `Carbonite.insert_transaction/3` (kept a wrapper in `Carbonite.Multi`)
* `Carbonite.process/4` (previously `Carbonite.Outbox.process/3` with major changes)
* `Carbonite.purge/2` (previously `Carbonite.Outbox.purge/1` with major changes)

### Big outbox overhaul

* Split into query / processing
* Simplify processing
* No more transaction
* New capabilities: memo, halting, chunking

### Migration versioning

* Explicit for now with `Carbonite.Migrations.up(non_neg_integer())`
* `Carbonite.Migrations.install_schema/1` is now `Carbonite.Migrations.up/2`
* `Carbonite.Migrations.put_trigger_option/4` to ensure old migrations continue to work
* At the same time removed long configuration statement from `Carbonite.Migrations.install_trigger/1`, so this does not need to be versioned and continues to work
* Mix task for generating the "initial" migration

### Other Changes

* Optionally derive Jason.Encoder for `Carbonite.Transaction` and `Carbonite.Change`
* Made all prefix options binary-only (no atom) as `Ecto.Query.put_query_prefix/2` only accepts strings

## [0.3.1] - 2021-10-23

### Added

* `table_prefix` option to `Query.changes/2` allows to override schema prefix of given record
* `Query.transactions/1` query selects all transactions

## [0.3.0] - 2021-10-22

### Added

* `Carbonite.Migrations.drop_tables/1` allows to drop the carbonite audit trail without removing the schema

### Changed

* Renamed the option that can be passed to `Carbonite.Migrations.drop_schema/1` from `prefix` to `carbonite_prefix`
* Changed `Carbonite.Migrations.drop_schema/1` to also drop the tables
* Made `Carbonite.Multi.insert_transaction/3` ignore conflicting `INSERT`s within the same transaction
* Also, changed `Carbonite.Multi.insert_transaction/3` to always reloads all fields from the database after insertion, immediately returning the JSONinified `meta` payload

### Fixed

* Fixed ignore mode when `override_transaction_id` is NULL

## [0.2.1] - 2021-10-10

### Fixed

* Fixed broken documentation

## [0.2.0] - 2021-10-10

### Added

* Store primary key(s) on changes table and index them
* Add `Carbonite.Query` module
  - `current_transaction/2` allows to fetch the ongoing transaction (for sandbox tests)
  - `changes/2` allows to fetch the changes of an individual source record
* Update Postgrex to 0.15.11 and drop local `Xid8` type
* Add `mode` field to trigger (capture or ignore)
* Add "override mode" reversing the `mode` option for the current transaction to enable/disable capturing on demand (e.g. in tests)
* Add filtered columns

### Changed

* Moved top-level functions to nested modules `Transaction` and `Multi`
* Made `table_pk` be `NULL` when `primary_key_columns` is an empty array
* Default `primary_key_columns` to `["id"]`
* Renamed `prefix` option to `carbonite_prefix` on `install_schema/2` for consistency

## [0.1.0] - 2021-09-01

* Initial release.