# CarlaTestHelper

## Description
This repo contains a testing library used in Carla end-to-end tests. It provides a library to describe and test conversations.

## Requirements
* Elixir - The language
* Mix - Elixir run tool (included with Elixir)
* Hex - Elixir package manage (included with Elixir)

## Installation
If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `carla_test_helper` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:carla_test_helper, "~> 0.1.0"}

You'll then need to update your config.exs so it contains the following configs

### V2
config :carla_test_helper,
  bot_version: "v2",
  directline_token: "my_token"

### V1
config :carla_test_helper,
  bot_version: "v1",

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Example Test Case
If we want to write a test case for the "Request Detail - request details for optima" scenario, our file would look like this:
defmodule BotTestsTest do
  use CarlaTestHelper.Case, async: true
  import CarlaTestHelper

  describe "request.detail" do

    carlatest "should provide details on optima", do: [
      # write conversation tests here 
      # message("optima", "request.details.optima")


## Helper Functions 

### message

* message - Message to send.
* expected_action - Resulting response's action. 

Sends `message` for the asserts the response is the `expected_action`.

message("optima", "request.details.optima")

### quick_reply

* label - Label of the button you want to *click*. 
* expected_action - Resulting response's action. 

Uses quick reply button using `label` and asserts the response is the `expected_action`.

quick_reply("Build & Price", "build:_optima")

### button_action

* label - Label of the button you want to *click*. 
* expected_action - Resulting response's action. 

Similar to quick reply, finds button using `label` and asserts the response is `expected_action`. 

button_action("Ok", "hello_2")

### button_linkout

* label - Label of the button you want to *click*. 
* uri - Linkout button payload value 

Similar to quick reply, finds button using `label` and asserts the button payload is `value`. 

button_linkout("Features & Specs", "")

### button_linkout

* label - Label of the button you want to *click*. 
* uri - Linkout button payload value 
* params - Params of the uri 

Similar to quick reply, finds button using `label`, asserts the button payload is `value` and contains the list of `params`.

button_linkout("See Offers", "", ["series=optima", "offers=3,2,1"])

### gallery_card_button_action

* index - Index of the gallery card to test
* label - Label of the button you want to *click*
* expected_action - Resulting response's action

Uses gallery card item at `index`, finds a button using `label` and then asserts the button payload is `value` and asserts the response is `expected_action`.

Note: Indexing starts at 0

gallery_card_button_action(2, "See Offers", "request.offers") # Targets the 3rd gallery card

### gallery_card_button_linkout

* index - Index of the gallery card to test
* label - Label of the button you want to *click*
* uri - Linkout button payload value

Uses gallery card item at `index`, finds a button using `label`, asserts the button payload is `uri`.

Note: Indexing starts at 0

gallery_card_button_linkout(0, "See Offers", "") # Targets the 1st gallery card

### gallery_card_button_linkout

* index - Index of the gallery card to test
* label - Label of the button you want to *click*
* uri - Linkout button payload value 
* params - Params of the uri 

Uses gallery card item at `index`, finds a button using `label`, asserts the button payload is `uri` and contains the list of `params`.

Note: Indexing starts at 0

gallery_card_button_linkout(0, "See Offers", "") # Targets the 1st gallery card

### debug_last_response

Prints out JSON of last response in the console
