# Caylir

Cayley driver for Elixir

## Warning

__This module is highly experimental at the moment and may behave or change unexpectedly.__

Tested cayley versions:

- `0.6.1`
- `0.7.0`

to be sure)

## Setup

Add Caylir as a dependency to your `mix.exs` file:

defp deps do
  [ { :caylir, "~> 0.6" } ]

You should also update your applications to include all necessary projects:

def application do
  [ applications: [ :caylir ] ]

## Usage

### Graph Connections

Defining a graph connection requires defining a module:

defmodule MyApp.MyGraph do
  use Caylir.Graph, otp_app: :my_app

The `:otp_app` name and the name of the module can be freely chosen.
They only need to be linked to an entry in your `config.exs`:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyGraph,
  host:     "localhost",
  pool:     [ max_overflow: 0, size: 1 ],
  port:     64210,
  language: :gizmo

Configuration can be done statically (as shown above) or by referencing your
system environment:

config :my_app, MyApp.MyGraph,
  port: { :system, "MY_ENV_VARIABLE" }

# additional default will only be used if environment variable is UNSET
config :my_app, MyApp.MyGraph
  port: { :system, "MY_ENV_VARIABLE", "64210" }

You now have a graph definition you can hook into your supervision tree:

  [ MyApp.MyGraph.child_spec ],
  strategy: :one_for_one

#### Query Language

You can use the `:language` configuration key to specify which query language
you are intending to use. The default is `:gizmo` for cayley `0.7.0`. For the
older cayley `0.6.1` you need to configure `:gremlin`.

### Queries

Writing Data:

# single quad
  subject:   "graph",
  predicate: "connection",
  object:    "target"

# multiple quads (bulk write)
MyApp.MyGraph.write([ quad_1, quad_2 ])

Querying data:

# Gremlin Syntax!

Deleting Data:

# single quad
  subject:   "graph",
  predicate: "connection",
  object:    "target"

# multiple quads (bulk delete)
MyApp.MyGraph.delete([ quad_1, quad_2 ])

## License

[Apache License, Version 2.0](