# Caylir

Cayley driver for Elixir

## Cayley Support

Tested Cayley versions:

- `0.7.3`
- `0.7.4`
- `0.7.5`
- `0.7.7`

(see [`.travis.yml`]( to be sure)

## Package Setup

To use Caylir with your projects, edit your `mix.exs` file and add the required dependencies:

defp deps do
    # ...
    {:caylir, "~> 1.0"},
    # ...

## Application Setup

### Graph Definition

Defining a graph connection requires defining a module:

defmodule MyGraph do
  use Caylir.Graph, otp_app: :my_app

This defined graph module needs to be hooked up into your supervision tree:

children = [
  # ...
  # ...

For a more detailed explanation of how to get started with a graph please consult the inline documentation of the `Caylir.Graph` module.

To configure your connection you can use the application environment:

config :my_app, MyGraph,
  host: "",
  port: 42160,
  scheme: "https"

The entry should match the chosen `:otp_app` and module name defined earlier.

For more information on how (and what) to configure please refer to the inline documentation of the `Caylir.Graph.Config` module.

## Usage

Querying data:


Writing Data:

  subject: "graph",
  predicate: "connection",
  object: "target"

Deleting Data:

  subject: "graph",
  predicate: "connection",
  object: "target"

A more detailed usage documentation can be found inline at the `Caylir.Graph` module.

## License

[Apache License, Version 2.0](