
defmodule CBOR do
  @moduledoc """
  The Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a data format
  whose design goals include the possibility of extremely small code
  size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need
  for version negotiation.  These design goals make it different from
  earlier binary serializations such as ASN.1 and MessagePack.

  The objectives of CBOR, roughly in decreasing order of importance are:

   1.  The representation must be able to unambiguously encode most
       common data formats used in Internet standards.

       *  It must represent a reasonable set of basic data types and
          structures using binary encoding.  "Reasonable" here is
          largely influenced by the capabilities of JSON, with the major
          addition of binary byte strings.  The structures supported are
          limited to arrays and trees; loops and lattice-style graphs
          are not supported.

       *  There is no requirement that all data formats be uniquely
          encoded; that is, it is acceptable that the number "7" might
          be encoded in multiple different ways.

    2.  The code for an encoder or decoder must be able to be compact in
        order to support systems with very limited memory, processor
        power, and instruction sets.

       *  An encoder and a decoder need to be implementable in a very
          small amount of code (for example, in class 1 constrained
          nodes as defined in [CNN-TERMS]).

       *  The format should use contemporary machine representations of
          data (for example, not requiring binary-to-decimal

    3.  Data must be able to be decoded without a schema description.

       *  Similar to JSON, encoded data should be self-describing so
          that a generic decoder can be written.

    4.  The serialization must be reasonably compact, but data
        compactness is secondary to code compactness for the encoder and

       *  "Reasonable" here is bounded by JSON as an upper bound in
          size, and by implementation complexity maintaining a lower
          bound.  Using either general compression schemes or extensive
          bit-fiddling violates the complexity goals.

    5.  The format must be applicable to both constrained nodes and high-
        volume applications.

       *  This means it must be reasonably frugal in CPU usage for both
          encoding and decoding.  This is relevant both for constrained
          nodes and for potential usage in applications with a very high
          volume of data.

    6.  The format must support all JSON data types for conversion to and
        from JSON.

       *  It must support a reasonable level of conversion as long as
          the data represented is within the capabilities of JSON.  It
          must be possible to define a unidirectional mapping towards
          JSON for all types of data.

    7.  The format must be extensible, and the extended data must be
        decodable by earlier decoders.

       *  The format is designed for decades of use.

       *  The format must support a form of extensibility that allows
          fallback so that a decoder that does not understand an
          extension can still decode the message.

       *  The format must be able to be extended in the future by later
          IETF standards.

  @doc """
  Returns a binary encoding of the data in a format
  that can be interpreted by other CBOR libraries.

  ## Examples

      iex> CBOR.encode(["Hello", "World!"])
      <<130, 101, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 102, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33>>

      iex> CBOR.encode([1, [2, 3]])
      <<130, 1, 130, 2, 3>>

      iex> CBOR.encode(%{"a" => 1, "b" => [2, 3]})
      <<162, 97, 97, 1, 97, 98, 130, 2, 3>>
  @spec encode(any()) :: binary()
  def encode(value), do: CBOR.Encoder.encode_into(value, <<>>)

  @doc """
  Converts a CBOR encoded binary into native elixir data structures

  ## Examples

      iex> CBOR.decode(<<130, 101, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 102, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33>>)
      {:ok, ["Hello", "World!"], ""}

      iex> CBOR.decode(<<130, 1, 130, 2, 3>>)
      {:ok, [1, [2, 3]], ""}

      iex> CBOR.decode(<<162, 97, 97, 1, 97, 98, 130, 2, 3>>)
      {:ok, %{"a" => 1, "b" => [2, 3]}, ""}
  @spec decode(binary()) :: {:ok, any(), binary()} | {:error, atom}
  def decode(binary) do
    try do
      FunctionClauseError -> {:error, :cbor_function_clause_error}

  defp perform_decoding(binary) when is_binary(binary) do
    case CBOR.Decoder.decode(binary) do
      {value, rest} -> {:ok, value, rest}
      _other -> {:error, :cbor_decoder_error}

  defp perform_decoding(_value), do: {:error, :cannot_decode_non_binary_values}