# CBR Elixir

** Central Bank of the Russian Federation API Elixir wrapper**

## Installation

The package can be installed from hex:

1. Add `cbr_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:cbr_elixir, "~> 0.1.2"}]

2. Ensure `cbr_elixir` is started before your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:cbr_elixir]]

3. Get daily data (for today's date):

iex(1)> CbrElixir.daily
  %CbrElixir.Models.ValuteCurses{valcurs: [%CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "AUD",
     id: "R01010", name: "Австралийский доллар", nominal: 1,
     numcode: "036", value: "45,8701"},
    %CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "AZN", id: "R01020A",
     name: "Азербайджанский манат", nominal: 1,
     numcode: "944", value: "35,4713"},
    %CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "GBP", id: "R01035",
     name: "Фунт стерлингов Соединенного королевства",
     nominal: 1, numcode: "826", value: "78,2273"}

4. Get data for specific date:

iex(1)> CbrElixir.daily("03.08.2014")
  %CbrElixir.Models.ValuteCurses{valcurs: [%CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "AUD",
     id: "R01010", name: "Австралийский доллар", nominal: 1,
     numcode: "036", value: "43,9016"},
    %CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "AZN", id: "R01020A",
     name: "Азербайджанский манат", nominal: 1,
     numcode: "944", value: "57,4120"},
    %CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "GBP", id: "R01035",
     name: "Фунт стерлингов Соединенного королевства",
     nominal: 1, numcode: "826", value: "93,9403"}

5. Get currencies catalog :

iex(1)> CbrElixir.valute_catalog
  %CbrElixir.Models.Valutes{items: [%CbrElixir.Models.Item{engname: "Moldova Lei",
     id: "R01500", name: "Молдавский лей", nominal: 10,
     parentcode: "R01500"},
    %CbrElixir.Models.Item{engname: "US Dollar", id: "R01235",
     name: "Доллар США", nominal: 1, parentcode: "R01235"},
    %CbrElixir.Models.Item{engname: "S.African Rand", id: "R01810",
     name: "Южноафриканский рэнд", nominal: 10,
     parentcode: "R01810"}

5. Get specific currency rate by charcode:

iex(4)> CbrElixir.daily_by_code(:EUR, '31-12-2001')
  %CbrElixir.Models.Valute{charcode: "EUR", id: "R01239", name: "Евро",
   nominal: 1, numcode: "978", value: "26,4900"}


    - Add more API wrappers

## License

    Copyright © 2017 Marat Galiev <>

    This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.