# Census

Elixir library for interacting with the [US Census API](

## Installation

Add `census` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:census, "~> 0.1.0"}]

def application do
  [applications: [:census]]

## Usage

Get an api key at [](

### Create a client

iex> client = Census.client(YOUR_API_KEY, dataset: "SF1", vintage: 2010)
%Census.Client{api_key: YOUR_API_KEY, dataset: "SF1", vintage: 2010}

Clients will default to the 2010 SF1 dataset. Other datasets are available at 

### Fetch

iex> {:ok, response} = Census.fetch(client, get: "NAME,P0010001", foreach: "COUNTY:*", within: "STATE:55")
iex> response.results
[%{"NAME" => "Adams County", "P0010001" => "20875", ...}]

Here, we're querying the total population for each county in Wisconsin. Documentation for available
query parameters can be found at [](

This library makes no attempt to coarse returned values. Almost everything is returned as a string, 
so you'll need to implement you're own coercion if necessary.

## License

This software is licensed under [Apache 2 License](LICENSE).