# CensysEx
Tiny Elixir ⚗️ wrapper for the Censys Search 2.0 [API]( 

[![PRs Welcome](](

_**Note**_: this is **_NOT_** an official Censys library, and is not supported by or affiliated with Censys at this time. I do not own Censys Trademarks or Copyrights

## Installation

Available in [Hex](, the package can be installed by adding `censys_ex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:censys_ex, "~> 0.2.0"}

# Setup
via environment variables
$ export CENSYS_API_ID="*****"
$ export CENSYS_API_SECRET="*****"

iex(1)> CensysEx.API.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.253.0>}
or directly
iex(1)> CensysEx.API.start_link("*****", "*****")
{:ok, #PID<0.252.0>}
API secrets can be found [here](

# View

View all the data on an IP at a given time. 


# Lookup the host as it was at a certain time
CensysEx.Hosts.view("", ~U[2021-06-07 12:53:27.450073Z])

# Search
Search returns a stream of results using the cursors provided by the API.

iex(1)>"same_service(service_name: SSH and not port: 22)")
...(1)> |> Stream.take(25)
...(1)> |>, "ip"))
...(1)> |> Enum.to_list()
["", "", ...]

# Aggregate

Aggregate data about hosts on the internet.

CensysEx.Hosts.aggregate("location.country_code", "services.service_name: MEMCACHED")

CensysEx.Hosts.aggregate("location.country_code", "services.service_name: MEMCACHED", 10)
## Docs
- [view](
- [aggregate](
- [search](
- [search-syntax](

## Other Languages

### Official
- [Node](
- [Python](

### Unofficial
- [Ruby](