# Cep

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A package to query Brazilian CEP codes.

Has support for multiple source APIs (Correios, ViaCep, Postmon, etc).
It can query one specific source or query until one source returns a valid
result. It has a pool of clients managed by [poolboy](

## Installation

It's is available as an [Hex]( package and thus can be installed

1. Add cep to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:cep, "~> 0.0.1"}]

2. Ensure cep is started before your application (this is an otp app!):

def application do
  [applications: [:cep]]

## Usage

To query for the address of any given Brazilian CEP code:

{:ok, address} = Cep.get_address("29375-000")
IO.inspect address

The default `Cep.get_address` will first try to access the official Brazilian
Post Office web service to get the information. If the web service is down,
timeout or doesn't have information about one specific CEP the next source will
be automatically and transparently used. If none of the sources give good reply
it will return a proper error, as in the following example:

{status, reason} = Cep.get_address("00000-000")
IO.inspect status
IO.inspect reason

You can modify the sources that a query will use by using the `sources` keyword
argument and sending as its value any combination of the element from
`Cep.sources` as follows:

available_sources = Keyword.delete(Cep.sources, :correios)
{:ok, address} = Cep.get_address("28016-811", sources: available_sources)

To query just one specific source there is a sugar: just send the `source` with
the desired source:

Cep.get_address("28016-811", source: :viacep)

## Configuration

### Pool size and overflow

If you want to change the default pool size and/or overflow set add to our
`Mix.Config` file:

config :cep, pool: [size: 10, overflow: 15]

### Sources

You can change the default sources used when no `source` or `sources` keywords
are sent to `Cep.get_address` by modifying your config file like this:

config :cep, sources: [:correios, :viacep]

**IMPORTANT**: even if you add the default sources in config file, the `source`
and `sources` keywords can override this configuration. 

## Future

Future features that are planned:

1. Cache Cep queries using `ets`
2. Add even more sources
3. Add policies to order the source list based on different criteria (average
  response time, for example)
4. Use an Agent to store the default source list and allow it to be changed on
  the fly, as necessary