%% @doc Disallow distributed erlang connections until cleaning is done.
%% This module prevents a node from reconnecting, until cleaning activity is
%% finished. It prevents race conditions.
%% This module assumes all nodes share the same cookie.
%% API
%% gen_server callbacks
-type cleaner_pid() :: pid().
-type waiting() :: [{node(), cleaner_pid()}].
-type state() :: #{
cleaners := [cleaner_pid()],
waiting := waiting()
%% @doc Spawn `dist_blocker'
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
%% @doc Register CleanerPid as a cleaner.
-spec add_cleaner(pid()) -> ok.
add_cleaner(CleanerPid) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {add_cleaner, CleanerPid}).
%% @doc Confirm that cleaning is done.
%% This function should be called by a cleaner when it receives
%% nodedown and finishes cleaning.
-spec cleaning_done(pid(), node()) -> ok.
cleaning_done(CleanerPid, Node) ->
gen_server:call(?MODULE, {cleaning_done, CleanerPid, Node}).
%% gen_server callbacks
init([]) ->
ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true),
State = #{cleaners => [], waiting => []},
State2 = lists:foldl(fun handle_nodeup/2, State, nodes()),
{ok, State2}.
handle_call({add_cleaner, CleanerPid}, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, handle_add_cleaner(CleanerPid, State)};
handle_call({cleaning_done, CleanerPid, Node}, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, maybe_unblock(State, handle_cleaning_done(CleanerPid, Node, State))};
handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => unexpected_call, msg => Request}),
{reply, {error, unexpected_call}, State}.
handle_cast(Msg, State) ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => unexpected_cast, msg => Msg}),
{noreply, State}.
handle_info({nodeup, Node}, State) ->
{noreply, handle_nodeup(Node, State)};
handle_info({nodedown, Node}, State) ->
{noreply, handle_nodedown(Node, State)};
handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, _Info}, State) ->
{noreply, maybe_unblock(State, handle_cleaner_down(Pid, State))};
handle_info(Info, State) ->
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => unexpected_info, msg => Info}),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, State) ->
%% Restore cookies
_ = maybe_unblock(State, State#{waiting := []}),
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%% internal functions
-spec handle_nodeup(node(), state()) -> state().
handle_nodeup(Node, State) ->
%% We change the cookie as soon as the node is connected.
%% Alternative is to do it on nodedown, but because nodedown-s are async,
%% we would have a high chance of race conditions (so, node could reconnect
%% before we set cookie).
erlang:set_cookie(Node, blocking_cookie()),
%% Make cookie, that would prevent node from connecting
-spec blocking_cookie() -> atom().
blocking_cookie() ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()) ++ "_blocked_by_" ++ atom_to_list(node())).
%% Allow the node to connect to us again
-spec unblock_node(node(), state()) -> state().
unblock_node(Node, State) ->
erlang:set_cookie(Node, erlang:get_cookie()),
-spec handle_nodedown(node(), state()) -> state().
handle_nodedown(Node, State = #{cleaners := []}) ->
%% Skip waiting when no cleaners
unblock_node(Node, State);
handle_nodedown(Node, State = #{cleaners := Cleaners, waiting := Waiting}) ->
New = [{Node, CleanerPid} || CleanerPid <- Cleaners],
State#{waiting := lists:usort(New ++ Waiting)}.
-spec handle_add_cleaner(cleaner_pid(), state()) -> state().
handle_add_cleaner(CleanerPid, State = #{cleaners := Cleaners}) ->
erlang:monitor(process, CleanerPid),
State#{cleaners := lists:usort([CleanerPid | Cleaners])}.
-spec handle_cleaning_done(cleaner_pid(), node(), state()) -> state().
handle_cleaning_done(CleanerPid, Node, State = #{waiting := Waiting}) ->
State#{waiting := lists:delete({Node, CleanerPid}, Waiting)}.
-spec handle_cleaner_down(cleaner_pid(), state()) -> state().
handle_cleaner_down(CleanerPid, State = #{cleaners := Cleaners, waiting := Waiting}) ->
cleaners := lists:delete(CleanerPid, Cleaners),
waiting := [X || {_Node, CleanerPid2} = X <- Waiting, CleanerPid =/= CleanerPid2]
%% Unblock nodes when the last cleaner confirms the cleaning is done.
%% Call this function each time you remove entries from the waiting list.
-spec maybe_unblock(state(), state()) -> state().
maybe_unblock(_OldState = #{waiting := OldWaiting}, NewState = #{waiting := NewWaiting}) ->
OldNodes = cast_waiting_to_nodes(OldWaiting),
NewNodes = cast_waiting_to_nodes(NewWaiting),
CleanedNodes = OldNodes -- NewNodes,
lists:foldl(fun unblock_node/2, NewState, CleanedNodes).
-spec cast_waiting_to_nodes(waiting()) -> [node()].
cast_waiting_to_nodes(Waiting) ->
lists:usort([Node || {Node, _CleanerPid} <- Waiting]).