# Changelog
## 0.3.1 (2025-02-08)
- add column names to `%Ch.Result{}` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/243
## 0.3.0 (2025-02-03)
- gracefully handle `connection: closed` response from server https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/211
- allow non-UTC `DateTime.t()` in query params https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/223
- allow non-UTC `DateTime.t()` when encoding RowBinary https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/225
- add `:types` to `query_option` typespec https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/234
- handle missing `written_rows` in insert https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/236
## 0.2.10 (2025-02-03)
- handle missing `written_rows` in insert https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/236 (cherry-picked)
## 0.2.9 (2024-11-04)
- catch all errors in `connect/1` to avoid triggering Supervisor https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/209
## 0.2.8 (2024-09-06)
- support named tuples https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/197
## 0.2.7 (2024-08-15)
- raise on invalid UInt8 and Int8 when encoding RowBinary https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/180
- adapt to Ecto v3.12 https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/195
## 0.2.6 (2024-05-30)
- fix query encoding for datetimes where the microseconds value starts with zeroes `~U[****-**-** **:**:**.0*****]` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/175
## 0.2.5 (2024-03-05)
- add `:data` in `%Ch.Result{}` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/159
- duplicate `Ch.Result.data` in `Ch.Result.rows` for backwards compatibility https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/160
- make `Ch.stream` emit `Ch.Result.t` instead of `Mint.Types.response` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/161
- make `Ch.stream` collectable https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/162
## 0.2.4 (2024-01-29)
- use `ch-#{version}` as user-agent https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/154
- fix query string escaping for `\t`, `\\`, and `\n` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/155
## 0.2.3 (2024-01-29)
- fix socket leak on failed handshake https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/153
## 0.2.2 (2023-12-23)
- fix query encoding for datetimes with zeroed microseconds `~U[****-**-** **:**:**.000000]` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/138
## 0.2.1 (2023-08-22)
- fix array casts with `Ch` subtype https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/118
## 0.2.0 (2023-07-28)
- move loading and dumping from `Ch` type to the adapter https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/112
## 0.1.14 (2023-05-24)
- simplify types, again...
## 0.1.13 (2023-05-24)
- refactor types in `Ch.RowBinary` https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/88
## 0.1.12 (2023-05-24)
- replace `{:raw, data}` with `encode: false` option, add `:decode` option https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/42
## 0.1.11 (2023-05-19)
- improve Enum error message invalid values during encoding: https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/85
- fix `\t` and `\n` in query params https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/86
## 0.1.10 (2023-05-05)
- support `:raw` option in `Ch` type https://github.com/plausible/ch/pull/84
## 0.1.9 (2023-05-02)
- relax deps versions
## 0.1.8 (2023-05-01)
- fix varint encoding
## 0.1.7 (2023-04-24)
- support RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes
## 0.1.6 (2023-04-24)
- add Map(K,V) support in Ch Ecto type
## 0.1.5 (2023-04-23)
- fix query param encoding like Array(Date)
- add more types support in Ch Ecto type: tuples, ipv4, ipv6, geo
## 0.1.4 (2023-04-23)
- actually support negative `Enum` values
## 0.1.3 (2023-04-23)
- support negative `Enum` values, fix `Enum16` encoding
## 0.1.2 (2023-04-23)
- support `Enum8` and `Enum16` encoding
## 0.1.1 (2023-04-23)
- cleanup published docs