# Changeset

An Elixir package for calculating between-list edit distances.

It can calculate both the [Levenshtein distance]( between two lists and the actual edit steps required to go from one list to another (using the [Wagner-Fischer algorithm](

iex> taylor_swift_songs = [22, 15, "I Knew You Were Trouble"]
iex> positive_integers = [22, 7, 15, 186, 33]

# Levenshtein.
iex> Changeset.levenshtein(taylor_swift_songs, positive_integers)

# Edit steps.
iex> Changeset.edits(taylor_swift_songs, positive_integers)
[{:insert, 7, 1}, {:substitute, 186, 3}, {:insert, 33, 4}]

iex> Changeset.edits(positive_integers, taylor_swift_songs)
[{:delete, 7, 1}, {:substitute, "I Knew You Were Trouble", 2}, {:delete, 33, 4}]

# Edit steps include moves (i.e. deletions followed by insertions).
iex> Changeset.edits(~w( a v e r y ), ~w( g a r v e y ))
[{:insert, "g", 0}, {:move, "r", 3, 2}]

# It is also possible to give the edits function a custom cost function.
iex> Changeset.edits(~w( a b c ), ~w( a d c ))
[{:substitute, "d", 1}]
iex> Changeset.edits(~w( a b c ), ~w( a d c ), fn type, _value, _idx ->
...>   if type == :substitute, do: 3, else: 1
...> end)
[{:insert, "d", 1}, {:delete, "b", 1}]

## Installation

Changeset can be installed by adding it to `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:changeset, "~> 0.2.0"}]

## Tests and benchmarks

Run tests:

$ mix test

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.1s on load, 0.02s on tests)
16 tests, 0 failures

Run benchmarks (using [benchfella](

$ mix bench
  duration:      1.0 s

## ChangesetBench
[13:16:25] 1/3: `preterit` <-> `zeitgeist` levenshtein distance
[13:16:27] 2/3: `preterit` -> `zeitgeist` edit steps
[13:16:30] 3/3: `mark antony` -> `another man` edit steps

Finished in 6.75 seconds

## ChangesetBench
`preterit` <-> `zeitgeist` levenshtein distance        1000   2092.30 µs/op
`preterit` -> `zeitgeist` edit steps                    200   9672.70 µs/op
`mark antony` -> `another man` edit steps                 1   1430680.00 µs/op

## Changelog

### 0.2.0

* The `edits` function can now also take a custom cost function as an argument.
* The performance of the `edits` function has been slightly improved.