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# Chargebeex

Chargebeex is an Elixir implementation of [Chargebee

This is a heavily inspired fork of the original work by [Nicolas

## Project status

Chargebeex is used for several months in production at Welcome to the Jungle.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `chargebeex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

# mix.exs
def deps do
    {:chargebeex, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Configuration

Chargebeex can be configured using [Config]( or environment variables.

### Config

config :chargebeex,
  namespace: "my-namespace",
  api_key: "my-api-key"

### Environment variables

export CHARGEBEEX_API_KEY=my-api-key
export CHARGEBEEX_NAMESPACE=my-namespace

## Usage
{:ok, %Chargebeex.Customer{}} = Chargebeex.Customer.retrieve("foobar")
{:ok, [%Chargebeex.Customer{}], [%Chargebeex.Customer{}]} = Chargebeex.Customer.list()
{:ok, %Chargebeex.Customer{}} = Chargebeex.Customer.update("foobar", %{name: "updated"})
{:ok, %Chargebeex.Customer{}} = Chargebeex.Customer.delete("foobar")

### Custom Fields

Chargebee provides a way to add user-specific fields for resources like
Customer, Subscriptions, ... called [Custom

These fields are prepended with the `cf_` prefix. These fields can be accessed
in the special `custom_fields` field of the structure. Please note Custom Fields
are only available for Customers, Subscriptions, Product Families, Plans,
Addons and Price Points.

#### Example:

 iex> Chargebeex.Customer.retrieve("barbaz")
 {:ok, %Chargebeex.Customer{
     id: "barbaz",
     allow_direct_debit: false,
     custom_fields: %{
       "cf_my_custom_field" => "foobar"

### Extra Resources

Some ressources can have extra infos returned along them. For example, when
querying a Customer, if any card or subscription is linked to this customer,
these resources will also be returned. For internal API simplification, these
fields can be accessed in the `resources` field of the structure.

#### Example:

 iex> Chargebeex.Customer.retrieve("barbaz")
 {:ok, %Chargebeex.Customer{
     id: "barbaz",
     allow_direct_debit: false,
      resources: %{
        "card" => %Chargebeex.Card{
          billing_addr1: "my_address",
          billing_addr2: nil,
          billing_city: "Paris",

## Run tests

mix test

## License