defmodule Charon.Config do
@moduledoc """
Config struct.
All config is read at runtime. So if, for example, you wish to override `:session_ttl`
based on the username, you can simply alter the config struct in your code.
That being said, config that HAS to be read at runtime, like secrets,
is stored as a getter to emphasize the fact and prevent you from accidentally setting
a compile-time value even if you put the config struct in a module attribute.
That is why the base secret has to be passed in via `:get_base_secret`.
## Keys & defaults
access_cookie_name: "_access_token_signature",
access_cookie_opts: [http_only: true, same_site: "Strict", secure: true],
# 15 minutes
access_token_ttl: 15 * 60,
enforce_browser_cookies: false,
json_module: Jason,
optional_modules: %{},
refresh_cookie_name: "_refresh_token_signature",
refresh_cookie_opts: [http_only: true, same_site: "Strict", secure: true],
# 2 months
refresh_token_ttl: 2 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
session_store_module: Charon.SessionStore.RedisStore,
# 1 year
session_ttl: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
token_factory_module: Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt
## Glossary
- `:access_cookie_name` Name of the cookie in which the access token or its signature is stored.
- `:access_cookie_opts` Options passed to `Plug.Conn.put_resp_cookie/3`. Note that `:max_age` is set by `Charon.SessionPlugs` based on the token TTL. Overrides are merged into the defaults.
- `:access_token_ttl` Time in seconds until a new access token expires. This time may be reduced so that the token does not outlive its session.
- `:enforce_browser_cookies` If a browser client is detected, enforce that tokens are not returned to it as fully valid bearer tokens, but are transported (wholly or in part) as cookies.
- `:get_base_secret` Getter for Charon's base secret from which other keys are derived. Make sure it has large entropy (>= 256 bits). For example `fn -> Application.get_env(:my_app, :charon_secret) end`.
- `:json_module` The JSON module, like `Jason` or `Poison`.
- `:optional_modules` Configuration for optional modules, like `Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt` or `CharonOauth2`. See the optional module's docs for info on its configuration options.
- `:refresh_cookie_name` Name of the cookie in which the refresh token or its signature is stored.
- `:refresh_cookie_opts` Options passed to `Plug.Conn.put_resp_cookie/3`. Note that `:max_age` is set by `Charon.SessionPlugs` based on the token TTL. Overrides are merged into the defaults.
- `:refresh_token_ttl` Time in seconds until a new refresh token expires. This time may be reduced so that the token does not outlive its session.
- `:session_store_module` A module that implements `Charon.SessionStore.Behaviour`, used to store sessions.
- `:session_ttl` Time in seconds until a new session expires OR `:infinite` for non-expiring sessions.
- `:token_factory_module` A module that implements `Charon.TokenFactory.Behaviour`, used to create and verify authentication tokens.
- `:token_issuer` Value of the "iss" claim in tokens, for example ""
@enforce_keys [:token_issuer, :get_base_secret]
defstruct [
access_cookie_name: "_access_token_signature",
access_cookie_opts: [http_only: true, same_site: "Strict", secure: true],
# 15 minutes
access_token_ttl: 15 * 60,
enforce_browser_cookies: false,
json_module: Jason,
optional_modules: %{},
refresh_cookie_name: "_refresh_token_signature",
refresh_cookie_opts: [http_only: true, same_site: "Strict", secure: true],
# 2 months
refresh_token_ttl: 2 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
session_store_module: Charon.SessionStore.RedisStore,
# 1 year
session_ttl: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,
token_factory_module: Charon.TokenFactory.Jwt
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
access_cookie_name: String.t(),
access_cookie_opts: keyword(),
access_token_ttl: pos_integer(),
enforce_browser_cookies: boolean,
get_base_secret: (() -> binary()),
json_module: module(),
optional_modules: map(),
refresh_cookie_name: String.t(),
refresh_cookie_opts: keyword(),
refresh_token_ttl: pos_integer(),
session_store_module: module(),
session_ttl: pos_integer() | :infinite,
token_factory_module: module(),
token_issuer: String.t()
@doc """
Build config struct from enumerable (useful for passing in application environment).
Raises for missing mandatory keys and sets defaults for optional keys.
Optional modules must implement an `init_config/1` function to process their own config at compile time.
## Examples / doctests
iex> from_enum([])
** (ArgumentError) the following keys must also be given when building struct Charon.Config: [:token_issuer, :get_base_secret]
iex> %Charon.Config{} = from_enum(token_issuer: "https://myapp", get_base_secret: "supersecure")
@spec from_enum(Enum.t()) :: t()
def from_enum(enum) do
__MODULE__ |> struct!(enum) |> process_optional_modules()
# Private #
defp process_optional_modules(config = %{optional_modules: opt_mods}) do
|> {module, config} -> {module, module.init_config(config)} end)
|> then(fn initialized_opt_mods -> %{config | optional_modules: initialized_opt_mods} end)