# Chartkick [](https://travis-ci.com/buren/chartkick-ex)
Create beautiful Javascript charts with one line of Elixir. No more fighting with charting libraries!
[See it in action](http://buren.github.io/chartkick-ex/), you can find the example phoenix app that generates that page [here](https://github.com/buren/chartkick-phoenix-example).
Works with Phoenix, plain Elixir and most browsers.
Any feedback, suggestions or comments please open an issue or PR.
## Charts
All charts expect a JSON string.
data = Poison.encode!([[175, 60], [190, 80], [180, 75]])
Line chart
Chartkick.line_chart data
Pie chart
Chartkick.pie_chart data
Column chart
Chartkick.column_chart data
Bar chart
Chartkick.bar_chart data
Area chart
Chartkick.area_chart data
Scatter chart
Chartkick.scatter_chart data
Geo chart
Chartkick.geo_chart Poison.encode!("[[\"United States\",44],[\"Germany\",23]]")
Chartkick.timeline "[
[\"Washington\", \"1789-04-29\", \"1797-03-03\"],
[\"Adams\", \"1797-03-03\", \"1801-03-03\"],
[\"Jefferson\", \"1801-03-03\", \"1809-03-03\"]
### Say Goodbye To Timeouts
Make your pages load super fast and stop worrying about timeouts. Give each chart its own endpoint.
Chartkick.line_chart "/path/to/chart.json"
And respond with data as JSON.
### Options
:information_source: _This implementation aims to support all options that [chartkick.js](https://github.com/ankane/chartkick.js) supports. If there are any missing, please open an issue or a PR._
Id, width and height
Chartkick.line_chart data, id: "users-chart", height: "500px", width: "50%"
Min and max values
Chartkick.line_chart data, min: 1000, max: 5000
`min` defaults to 0 for charts with non-negative values. Use `nil` to let the charting library decide.
Chartkick.line_chart data, colors: ["pink", "#999"]
Stacked columns or bars
Chartkick.column_chart data, stacked: true
Discrete axis
Chartkick.line_chart data, discrete: true
Axis titles
Chartkick.line_chart data, xtitle: "Time", ytitle: "Population"
Straight lines between points instead of a curve
Chartkick.line_chart data, curve: false
Hide points
Chartkick.line_chart data, points: false
Show or hide legend
Chartkick.line_chart data, legend: false
Specify legend position
Chartkick.line_chart data, legend: "bottom"
Defer chart creation until after the page loads
Chartkick.line_chart data, defer: true
Donut chart
Chartkick.pie_chart data, donut: true
Prefix, useful for currency - _Chart.js, Highcharts_
Chartkick.line_chart data, prefix: "$"
Suffix, useful for percentages - _Chart.js, Highcharts_
Chartkick.line_chart data, suffix: "%"
Set a thousands separator - _Chart.js, Highcharts_
Chartkick.line_chart data, decimal: ","
Show a message when data is empty
Chartkick.line_chart data, messages: %{ empty: "My message.."}
Refresh data from a remote source every `n` seconds
Chartkick.line_chart data, refresh: 60
You can pass options directly to the charting library with:
Chartkick.line_chart data, library: %{ backgroundColor: "#eee" }
See the documentation for [Google Charts](https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery) and [Highcharts](http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts) for more info.
To customize datasets in Chart.js, use:
Chartkick.line_chart data, dataset: %{ borderWidth: 10 }
### Data
Pass data as a JSON string.
Chartkick.pie_chart "{\"Football\" => 10, \"Basketball\" => 5}"
Chartkick.pie_chart "[[\"Football\", 10], [\"Basketball\", 5]]"
For multiple series, use the format
Chartkick.line_chart "[
{name: \"Series A\", data: []},
{name: \"Series B\", data: []}
Times can be a time, a timestamp, or a string (strings are parsed)
Chartkick.line_chart "{
1368174456 => 4,
\"2013-05-07 00:00:00 UTC\" => 7
## Installation
Add the following to your project :deps list:
{:chartkick, "~>0.4.0"}
Optionally, you can set different JSON encoder, by default it's Poison.
It's used to encode options passed to Chartkick.
# config.exs
config :chartkick, json_serializer: Jason
By default when you render a chart it will return both the HTML-element and JS that initializes the chart.
This will only work if you load Chartkick in the `<head>` tag.
You can chose to render the JS & HTML separately using the `only: :html` or `only: :script` option.
Note that if you use those options you need to pass `id` otherwise it wont work.
line_chart data, id: "my-line-chart", only: :html
line_chart data, id: "my-line-chart", only: :script
For Google Charts, use:
<script src="//www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script src="path/to/chartkick.js"></script>
If you prefer Highcharts, use:
<script src="/path/to/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/chartkick.js"></script>
### Localization
To specify a language for Google Charts, add:
var Chartkick = {"language": "de"};
**before** the javascript files.
## No Elixir? No Problem
Check out
* [JavaScript](https://github.com/ankane/chartkick.js)
- [React](https://github.com/yfractal/chartkick)
- [Vue.js](https://github.com/yfractal/chartkick)
* [Ruby](https://github.com/ankane/chartkick)
* [Python](https://github.com/mher/chartkick.py)
* [Clojure](https://github.com/yfractal/chartkick)
## History
View the [changelog](https://github.com/buren/chartkick-ex/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
Chartkick follows [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/)
## Contributing
Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:
- [Report bugs](https://github.com/buren/chartkick-ex/issues)
- Fix bugs and [submit pull requests](https://github.com/buren/chartkick-ex/pulls)
- Write, clarify, or fix documentation
- Suggest or add new features