# Chatbase
Elixir based client that provides helper methods to log data to Chatbase Bot Analytics API
> Note: This is not an official Google product.
For more information related to Chatbase, read [official Chatbase documentation](https://chatbase.com/documentation/generic)
## Installation
Add `chatbase` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`. Then run,
mix deps.get
## Configuration
You can get `api_key` from chatbase and set it in your `config/config.exs` file:
config :chatbase, api_key: "CHATBASE_API_KEY"
## Examples
- Logging request from user to the agent/bot
user_id: String used as user identifier
platform: String used to denote platform, like, facebook, slack, alexa
message: String sent by the User to the Bot
intent: String classifying intent of the message
not_handled: Boolean type, if request handled by agent or not
feedback: Boolean type, if feedback to agent or not
cb = Chatbase.user_message("123", "alexa", "some message", "some-intent")
- Logging response from Agent/bot to the user
user_id: String used as user identifier
platform: String used to denote platform, like, facebook, slack, alexa
message: String sent by the Bot to the User
intent: String classifying intent of the message
not_handled: Boolean type, if request handled by agent or not
cb = Chatbase.agent_message("123", "alexa", "some message", "some-intent")
- Logging multiple messages at once
list_of_maps: A list containing maps
user_data = %{
"type" => "user",
"user_id" => "123",
"platform" => "alexa",
"message" => "user message",
"intent" => "some-intent"
agent_data = %{
"type" => "agent",
"user_id" => "123",
"platform" => "alexa",
"message" => "agent message",
"intent" => "some-intent"
list_of_maps = [user_data, agent_data]
cb = Chatbase.multiple_messages(list_of_maps)