# Chip - A subject registry for Gleam
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Chip is capable of registering a set of subjects
as part of a group.
## Example
Categorize subjects in groups, then send messages to them:
import artifacts/game.{DrawCard, FireDice, PlayChip}
import chip
import gleam/list
pub type Group {
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(registry) = chip.start(chip.Unnamed)
let assert Ok(session_a) = game.start(DrawCard)
let assert Ok(session_b) = game.start(FireDice)
let assert Ok(session_c) = game.start(PlayChip)
chip.register(registry, GroupA, session_a)
chip.register(registry, GroupB, session_b)
chip.register(registry, GroupA, session_c)
chip.members(registry, GroupA, 50)
|> list.each(fn(session) { game.next(session) })
For more check the [docs and guildelines](https://hexdocs.pm/chip/).
## Development
New additions to the API will be considered with care. Features are
[documented as Issues](https://github.com/chouzar/chip/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aenhancement)
on the project's repo, if you have questions or like to see a new feature please open an issue.
Run tests:
gleam test
Run benchmarks:
gleam run --module benchmark
### Previous Art
This registry takes and combines some ideas from:
* Elixir’s [registry](https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html) module.
* Erlang's [pg](https://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/kernel/pg.html) module.
* The [syn](https://github.com/ostinelli/syn) global registry library.
### Other Gleam registry libraries
Other registry libraries will provide different semantics and functionality:
* [Singularity](https://hexdocs.pm/singularity/) is designed to register a fixed number of actors, where each one may have a different message type.
## Installation
gleam add chip