# Chisel
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Chisel is a library that uses bitmap fonts to sculpt text on any device that can handle pixels.

## Setup

Add Chisel to your mix.exs deps:

{:chisel, "~> 0.2.0"},

Run `mix deps.get` to download the new dependency.

## Usage

1. Take a function to draw pixels...

  put_pixel = fn x, y ->
    YourDisplay.draw_pixel(x, y, ...)

2. Pick a BDF font (Look for one on the Internet or take one from the fixtures folder on this project)

  {:ok, font} = Chisel.Font.load("foo/bar/font.bdf")

3. Use Chisel to sculpt the text using the provided function and font

  Chisel.Renderer.draw_text("Hello World!", x, y, font, put_pixel)

4. Enjoy!


(Thanks to [lawik]( for the picture)

## General purpose

Chisel is a general purpose library that can be used to render text on any target based on pixels (LCD, Led matrixs, image files, ...).

### Render on an image with `:egd`

  img = :egd.create(200, 50)
  color = :egd.color({0, 0, 0})

  put_pixel = fn x, y ->
    :egd.line(img, {x, y}, {x, y}, color)

  {:ok, font} = Chisel.Font.load("font.bdf")

  Chisel.Renderer.draw_text("Hello World!", 0, 0, font, put_pixel), :png), "test.png")

### Render ASCII art

  put_pixel = fn x, y, pixels ->
    [{x, y} | pixels]

  {:ok, font} = Chisel.Font.load("c64.bdf")

  {pixels, _, _} = Chisel.Renderer.reduce_draw_text("Hello World!", 0, 0, font, [], put_pixel)

  for y <- 0..10 do
    for x <- 0..100 do
      if Enum.member?(pixels, {x, y}) do
        " "
    |> IO.puts()

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### Samples using [OLED](

![OLED Demo](images/demo-oled.jpg)

Using the right font it is even possible to render unicode strings.

Many good BDF fonts are available [here]( on the [U8g2]( library repo.

Check fonts licenses [here](