# Chpter

Phoenix(Elixir) wrapper for chpter API implimentatio for Mpesa Payments in Kenya.

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `chpter` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:chpter, "~> 0.1.1"}

Run `mix deps.get` to fetch from Hex

## Usage

This is broken down into two parts:

### 1. Initiation

There is a function called `initiate_payment` that takes in the following parameters:

- `api_key` - Your Chpter API key
- `phone_number` - The phone number to send the payment request to
- `name` - The name of the person to send the payment request to
- `email` - The email of the person to send the payment request to
- `amount` - The amount to be paid
- `callback_url` - The callback url to be used by Chpter to send the payment request response to
- `transaction_reference` - The reference to be used for the payment request

 iex> Chpter.initiate_payment(
     "Michael Munavu",



### 2. Checking Transaction Status

There is a function called `check_for_payment` that takes in the following parameters:

- `api_endpoint` - The Chpter API endpoint where all the transactions are stored
- `transaction_reference` - The reference to be used for the payment request

 iex> Chpter.check_for_payment(


## Documentation

[Hex Docs](

## AUuhor

[Michael Munavu](

## License

Chpter is released under [MIT License](