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<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JonasGruenwald/chrobot/main/doc_assets/header_1.png" alt="" style="max-width: 450px; width: 100%;">
<h1 align="center">Chrobot</h1>
<p align="center">
⛭ Typed browser automation for the BEAM ⛭
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<a href="https://hex.pm/packages/chrobot">
<img src="https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/chrobot" alt="Package Version">
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<img alt="Target: Erlang" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/target-erlang-red?logo=erlang">
## About
Chrobot provides a set of typed bindings to the stable version of the [Chrome Devtools Protocol](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/), based on its published JSON specification.
The typed interface is achieved by generating Gleam code for type definitions as well as encoder / decoder functions from the parsed JSON specification file.
Chrobot also exposes some handy high level abstractions for browser automation, and handles managing a browser instance via an Erlang Port and communicating with it for you.
You could use it for
* Generating PDFs from HTML
* Web scraping
* Web archiving
* Browser integration tests
> 🦝 The generated protocol bindings are largely untested and I would consider this package experimental, use at your own peril!
## Setup
### Package
Install as a Gleam package
gleam add chrobot
Install as an Elixir dependency with mix
# in your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:chrobot, "~> 2.2.3", app: false, manager: :rebar3}
### Browser
#### System Installation
Chrobot can use an existing system installation of Google Chrome or Chromium, if you already have one.
#### Browser Install Tool
Chrobot comes with a simple utility to install a version of [Google Chrome for Testing](https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/chrome-for-testing) directly inside your project.
Chrobot will automatically pick up this local installation when started via the `launch` command, and will prioritise it over a system installation of Google Chrome.
You can run the browser installer tool from gleam like so:
gleam run -m browser_install
Or when using Elixir with Mix:
mix run -e :browser_install.main
Please [check the `install` docs for more information](https://hexdocs.pm/chrobot/browser_install.html) – this installation method will not work everywhere and comes with some caveats!
#### GitHub Actions
If you want to use chrobot inside a Github Action, for example to run integration tests,
you can use the [setup-chrome](https://github.com/browser-actions/setup-chrome) action to get a Chrome installation, like so:
# -- snip --
- uses: browser-actions/setup-chrome@v1
id: setup-chrome
- run: gleam deps download
- run: gleam test
CHROBOT_BROWSER_PATH: ${{ steps.setup-chrome.outputs.chrome-path }}
If you are using `launch` to start chrobot, it should pick up the Chrome executable from `CHROBOT_BROWSER_PATH`.
## Examples
### Take a screenshot of a website
import chrobot
pub fn main() {
// Open the browser and navigate to the gleam homepage
let assert Ok(browser) = chrobot.launch()
let assert Ok(page) =
|> chrobot.open("https://gleam.run", 30_000)
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.await_selector(page, "body")
// Take a screenshot and save it as 'hi_lucy.png'
let assert Ok(screenshot) = chrobot.screenshot(page)
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.to_file(screenshot, "hi_lucy")
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.quit(browser)
### Generate a PDF document with [lustre](http://lustre.build/)
import chrobot
import lustre/element.{text}
import lustre/element/html
fn build_page() {
html.body([], [
html.h1([], [text("Spanakorizo")]),
html.h2([], [text("Ingredients")]),
html.ul([], [
html.li([], [text("1 onion")]),
html.li([], [text("1 clove(s) of garlic")]),
html.li([], [text("70 g olive oil")]),
html.li([], [text("salt")]),
html.li([], [text("pepper")]),
html.li([], [text("2 spring onions")]),
html.li([], [text("1/2 bunch dill")]),
html.li([], [text("250 g round grain rice")]),
html.li([], [text("150 g white wine")]),
html.li([], [text("1 liter vegetable stock")]),
html.li([], [text("1 kilo spinach")]),
html.li([], [text("lemon zest, of 2 lemons")]),
html.li([], [text("lemon juice, of 2 lemons")]),
html.h2([], [text("To serve")]),
html.ul([], [
html.li([], [text("1 lemon")]),
html.li([], [text("feta cheese")]),
html.li([], [text("olive oil")]),
html.li([], [text("pepper")]),
html.li([], [text("oregano")]),
|> element.to_document_string()
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(browser) = chrobot.launch()
let assert Ok(page) =
|> chrobot.create_page(build_page(), 10_000)
// Store as 'recipe.pdf'
let assert Ok(doc) = chrobot.pdf(page)
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.to_file(doc, "recipe")
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.quit(browser)
### Scrape a Website
> 🍄🟫 **Just a quick reminder:**
> Please be mindful of the load you are putting on other people's web services when you are scraping them programmatically!
import chrobot
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/result
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(browser) = chrobot.launch()
let assert Ok(page) =
|> chrobot.open("https://books.toscrape.com/", 30_000)
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.await_selector(page, "body")
let assert Ok(page_items) = chrobot.select_all(page, ".product_pod h3 a")
let assert Ok(title_results) =
list.map(page_items, fn(i) { chrobot.get_attribute(page, i, "title") })
|> result.all()
let assert Ok(_) = chrobot.quit(browser)
### Write an Integration Test for a WebApp
import chrobot
import gleam/dynamic
import gleeunit/should
pub fn package_search_test() {
let assert Ok(browser) = chrobot.launch()
use <- chrobot.defer_quit(browser)
let assert Ok(page) = chrobot.open(browser, "https://hexdocs.pm/", 10_000)
let assert Ok(input_field) = chrobot.await_selector(page, "input#search")
let assert Ok(Nil) = chrobot.focus(page, input_field)
let assert Ok(Nil) = chrobot.type_text(page, "chrobot")
let assert Ok(Nil) = chrobot.press_key(page, "Enter")
let assert Ok(result_link) = chrobot.await_selector(page, "#search-results a")
let assert Ok(package_href) =
chrobot.get_property(page, result_link, "href", dynamic.string)
|> should.equal("https://hexdocs.pm/chrobot/")
### Use from Elixir
# ( output / logging removed for brevity )
iex(1)> {:ok, browser} = :chrobot.launch()
iex(2)> {:ok, page} = :chrobot.open(browser, "https://example.com", 10_000)
iex(3)> {:ok, object} = :chrobot.select(page, "h1")
iex(4)> {:ok,text} = :chrobot.get_text(page, object)
iex(5)> text
"Example Domain"
## Documentation & Guide
The full documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/chrobot>.
🗼 To learn about the high level abstractions, look at the [`chrobot` module documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/chrobot/chrobot.html).
📠 To learn how to use the protocol bindings directly, look at the [`protocol` module documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/chrobot/protocol.html).