## [1.15.2] - 2024-01-04

### Changed

- Expand `phoenix_html` dependency to include version 4 (@idabmat)

## [1.15.1] - 2023-12-18

### Fixed

- Explicitly pick keys in `ChromicPDF.Template` to fix Dialyzer "no local return" errors in clients.

## [1.15.0] - 2023-12-15

### Fixed

- Recover missing custom footer templates by making sure we do not add any `@page` CSS rule to the header or footer templates in `ChromicPDF.Template.source_and_options/1`. (#290)
- Drop the default `zoom: 0.75` rule from header and footer templates for Chrome >= v120. They removed the default scale-up by 4/3, see [chromium bug #1509917](

Note that for **remote chrome** users this means they will have to explicitly specify the chrome version in the application config.

config :chromic_pdf, chrome_version: "Google Chrome 120.0.6099.71"

### Added

- Add `ChromicPDF.Plug` to forward Chrome requests on an internal endpoint to a template.
- Add `Template.options/1` that returns the options for page dimensions, header, and footer, but does not require the content.

### Changed

- Drop `-dNEWPDF=false` switch from Ghostscript >= 10.2. The old PDF interpreter has been removed and using the switch results in a warning now.
- Split `Chromic.Template.styles/1` into `page_styles/1` and `header_footer_styles/1`, and trim the stylesheets.
- Cookies set via `:set_cookie` are now `httpOnly: true` by default.

### Removed

- Dropped the outdated Phoenix example in `examples/`.
- Deprecated `ChromicPDF.styles/1`.

## [1.14.0] - 2023-09-27

### Added

- Configurable pool checkout timeout via new global option `:checkout_timeout`.

## [1.13.0] - 2023-08-17

### Added

- Add support for *named session pools*. These can be used to give persistent session options (`offline`, `disable_scripts`, ...) different values, for example to have one template that is not allowed to execute JavaScript and while others can use JavaScript.

### Changed

- Deprecate `:max_session_uses` option in favor of `session_pool: [max_uses: ...]`.
- Drop `--no-zygote` command line switch when using `no_sandbox: true` option. The switch causes session crashes in recent Chrome versions and was never needed for `--no-sandbox` in the first place. See #270.

⚠️ In case you are using `no_sandbox: true`, dropping `--no-zygote` means Chrome will spawn an additional OS process (the "zygote" process), which could be considered a break of backwards compatibility. Please monitor your next deployment. However, we believe this change is safe, meaning except for the additional process, it will not be noticable. Hence we concluded to drop the switch without a major version bump, in order not to disturb too many people. If you are not using `:no_sandbox`, this does not affect you.

## [1.12.0] - 2023-07-12

### Added

- Add `:console_api_calls` option to configure handling of `` calls in JS runtime (ignore, log, raise).
- Document fixes for font rendering issues, and give `ChromicPDF.Template` a `text_rendering` option to allow applying `text-rendering: geometricPrecision;` on all elements.

## [1.11.0] - 2023-06-19

### Added

- Add experimental support for connecting to running chrome instances via inet-based debugging (usually on port 9222). Controlled by option `:chrome_address`. Requires optional `websockex` dependency.

### Fixed

- Add `--hide-scrollbars` to default command line options, to hide scrollbars on screenshots.

## [1.10.0] - 2023-06-09

### Added

- Add `:full_page` option to `ChromicPDF.capture_screenshot/2` to increase the viewport size to match the content.

## [1.9.1] - 2023-06-08

### Fixed

- Handle `ChromicPDF.Template.source_and_options/1` tuples in `ChromicPDF.capture_screenshot/2`.

## [1.9.0] - 2023-05-02

### Added

- Error handling for call responses in protocol steps, e.g. invalid options for printToPDF. (@tonnenpinguin)

## [1.8.1] - 2023-04-20

- Allow `nimble_pool` 1.0.

## [1.8.0] - 2023-04-04

### Added

- Add `unhandled_runtime_exceptions` option that allows to raise on unhandled JavaScript exceptions in templates. Default to warn about them in log.

### Changed

- Simplified `on_demand` mode. Instead of spawning the entire supervision tree temporarily, we now only spawn the `Browser` process. Also instead of giving the normal `ChromicPDF` name to the temporary supervisor, which effectively prevented concurrent access to ChromicPDF when configured with `on_demand: true`, the temporary `Browser` process remains anonymous.

## [1.7.0] - 2023-02-17

### Added

- Add `ChromicPDF.put_dynamic_name/1` and `name` option to `ChromicPDF.Supervisor.start_link/2` for dynamic process names. (@dvic)

### Fixed

- Handle `DOWN` reason in `SessionPool.terminate_worker/3` callback. Fixes [#219](

## [1.6.0] - 2023-01-12

### Fixed

- Filename quoting (like `-sOutputFile="/some/path"`) doesn't work anymore in GS 9.56+. Dropped as we didn't need it anyway. GS 9.56 and 10.0 are supported now.

### Added

- Add `permit_read` option to `convert_to_pdfa/2` and `print_to_pdfa/2` to allow adding user-provided `--permit-file-read` options.

### Changed

- Removed unnecessary Ghostscript step to embed fonts. Instead, the relevant arguments are now part of our default set of `pdfwrite` arguments, and hence are also applied to the PDF concatenation added in 1.5.0.
- Made PDF concatenation take into account `SAFER` mode.

## [1.5.0] - 2022-12-22

### Added

- Add automatic PDF concatenation when passing a list to `print_to_pdf/2` or `print_to_pdfa/2`. (@xaviRodri)
- Add `warm_up/1` to allow one-off launches of the Chrome executable with our default arguments, to mitigate random CI failures on Github Actions.

## [1.4.0] - 2022-12-07

### Added

- Add error details on failure to checkout worker from pool.
- Add a whole list of new default command line options following Puppeteer's example.

### Changed

- `wait_for` and `evaluate` options can now be combined, as the `wait_for` script is appended to the user-given `evaluate` expression.

### Fixed

- Make sure to close a browser target when the worker in the pool is terminated. Previously, when a worker was terminated due to an exception (e.g. the timeout error), the target wasn't cleaned up, potentially leading to memory exhaustion.
- Actually inspect the current state of the protocol in the timeout exception, instead of the (pretty useless) initial parameter.
- Make sure the `inspectorCrashed` warning is only printed once.

## [1.3.1] - 2022-11-08

### Changed

- Included the inspected `ChromicPDF.Protocol` in the timeout exception to improve debugging.
- Bump jason to 1.3
- Bump telemetry to 1.1
- Updated dev dependencies

## [1.3.0] - 2022-09-27

### Added

- Add `disable_scripts` global option. (@MaeIsBad)
- Add error details about potential shared memory exhaustion. (@WilliamVenner)

## [1.2.2] - 2022-07-18

### Fixed

- Use old pdf interpreter with ghostscript > 9.56 to avoid segfaults (see #158)

## [1.2.1] - 2022-07-12

### Fixed

- Incompatibility with ghostscript 9.56.1 (fixes #153)
- Added search paths for chrome executable (fixes #151)

## [1.2.0] - 2022-03-17

### Added

- Improved docs on header/footer templates saying that external URLs don't work.
- Added a logger call when we receive the `Inspector.targetCrashed` message, so users can tell that their Chrome target has died for some reason.
- Add more paper sizes to `ChromicPDF.Template`. (@williamthome)
- Add `:landscape` option to `ChromicPDF.Template`. (@williamthome)
- Add `:init_timeout` option to `ChromicPDF.Browser.SessionPool`. (@dvic)

## [1.1.2] - 2021-10-27

### Fixed

- Documentation updates (@kianmeng)

## [1.1.1] - 2021-09-24

### Added

- Relaxed telemetry dependency to avoid blocking dependency update (@leandrocp)
- Add chromium path on macOS when installed via homebrew (@shamanime)

## [1.1.0] - 2021-04-16

### Changed

- Improved error message when Chrome dies at startup.
- Improved docs on the `no_sandbox` option.

### Added

- Added `chrome_executable` option to allow specifying path to chrome executable.

## [1.0.0] - 2021-03-23

### Added

- Added `evaluate` option to run client-side scripts before printing.
- Added a few options (`evaluate`, `set_cookie`, `wait_for`) to `capture_screenshot/2`.

### Changed

- Reimplemented `wait_for` option based on a JS script and the `evaluate` option to overcome
  race condition issues of original solution. Behaviour remains the same.

## [0.7.2] - 2021-02-26

### Fixed

- Enforced telemetry version 0.4.2 (fixes #108)

## [0.7.1] - 2021-02-08

### Fixed

- To determine the session pool / ghostscript pool size, if not specified in the options, we now
  fetch the number of schedulers at runtime, not compile time. Makes more sense. We also set a
  minimum of 1 in case there is only 1 scheduler online.

## [0.7.0] - 2021-01-25

### Added

- Added option `wait_for` to wait for DOM element attribute to be set dynamically. (@jarimatti)
- New global `timeout` option for session pool allows to configure timeout of print processes.
- New global `ignore_certificate_errors` option allows to bypass SSL certificate verification.
- New global `chrome_args` option allows to pass custom flags to chrome command.

## [0.6.2] - 2020-12-28

### Fixed

- When sending HTML to Chrome with `{:html, <content>}`, wait for the `Page.loadEventFired`
  notification to allow external resources (images, scripts, ...) to be fetched. (#80)

## [0.6.1] - 2020-11-17

### Fixed

- Reverted to file descriptor redirection to mitigate weird Port behaviour (#76).

## [0.6.0] - 2020-11-16

### Changed

- Elixir version housekeeping. Fixed a warning on Elixir 1.11 by adding `:eex` to
  `:extra_applications`. ChromicPDF now **requires Elixir >= 1.10** for its use of
- Dropped `poolboy` in favour of `nimble_pool`. This renders the `max_overflow` poolboy option
  without effect.
- Made "online mode" the default. Chrome will resolve all URL references unless the global
  option `offline: false` is set.

### Added

- Added telemetry events for the PDF generation & PDF/A conversion.
- "On Demand" mode allows to start & stop Chrome as needed, much like puppeteer does. This helps
  in development to prevent leaving behind zombie processes when the BEAM is aborted with Ctrl+C.
- New global option `discard_stderr` allows to enable Chrome's stderr logging which is by default
  piped to `/dev/null`.

### Fixed

- Graceful shutdown is now actually graceful in that it waits for Chrome to clean up the
  debugging sessions and close the pipe on its end.

## [0.5.2] - 2020-07-17

### Fixed

- Moved static files required for PDF/A generation to /priv so they are embedded into releases.
- Moved logo files *out of* /priv so they are not included in releases.

## [0.5.1] - 2020-07-10

### Fixed

- Fixed typespecs for `Template.source_and_options/1`. `[content_option]` weren't allowed as
  call to `styles/1` narrowed type to `[style_option]`.
- Added missing keys to `style_option`.

## [0.5.0] - 2020-07-10

### Changed

- Removed the `:width` and `:height` options from `Template.styles/1` and
  `Template.source_and_options/1` as it turns out that Chrome does not pay attention to `@page`
  dimensions and instead still sets the size of the produced PDF to US letter. Since it does not
  seem possible to the PDF size in Chrome headless besides using the `paperWidth` and
  `paperHeight` options, moved to a `:size` option instead that accepts names like `:a4`,
  `:us_letter`, and tuples of `{<width>, <height>}` in inches. These are then passed to
  `paperWidth` and `paperHeight`.
- Ditched the `preferCssPageSize` option from `Template.source_and_options/1` as it did not seem
  to have any effect. See above.

### Added

- Added `zoom: 0.75` to both `#header` and `#footer` in the template as this seems to be exactly
  what is needed to reverse the viewport scaling that Chrome uses on them by default. With this,
  headers & footers and the content can use the same CSS styles.
- Included `-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact` rule to template so `background-color` rules are
  enabled by default.

### Fixed

- Make `print_to_pdfa/2` actually accept `source_and_options()` map from `Template`.

## [0.4.0] - 2020-07-09

### Added

- Allow `{:url, <path>}` input tuples where path is only a path, and not a `file://` URL.

### Changed

- When passing a function to the `:output` parameter, the function result will now be returned as
  part of the `print_to_pdf` & friends result as `{:ok, <callback_result>}` instead of `:ok`.

## [0.3.1] - 2020-04-09

### Added

- Handle `{:safe, iolist()}` tuples in API and Template (for content coming from Phoenix.View).
  Expose `Template.html_concat` as potentially useful helper.
- Reset navigation history after each print job to avoid leaking information.
- Create new empty browser context for each target (similar to incognito tab).
- Restart browser target after a maximum number of PDFs have been printed to avoid memory bloat.

### Changed

- Set user agent to custom string.
- Default number of sessions in pool to half the number of available cores.

## [0.3.0] - 2020-03-30

### Added

- HTML source and header and footer template accept iolists now
- New `Template` module contains basic CSS skeleton to easily dimension & layout pages (header & footer margins)

## [0.2.0] - 2020-03-06

### Added

- Add `set_cookie` option to `print_to_pdf/2`.
- Targets now navigate to `about:blank` after PDF prints.
- Fixed the temporary file yielding way of calling `print_to_pdf/2`.

## [0.1.0] - 2020-03-02

### Added

- First release to