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ChromicPDF is a HTML-to-PDF renderer for Elixir, based on headless Chrome.

## Features

* **Node-free**: In contrast to [many other]( packages, it does not use [puppeteer](, and hence does not require Node.js. It communicates directly with Chrome's [DevTools API]( over pipes, offering the same performance as puppeteer, if not better.
* **Header/Footer**: Using the DevTools API allows to apply the full set of options of the [`printToPDF`]( function. Most notably, it supports header and footer HTML templates.
* **PDF/A**: It can convert printed files to PDF/A using Ghostscript. Converted files pass the [verapdf]( validator.

## Requirements

- Chromium or Chrome
- Ghostscript (optional, for PDF/A support and concatenation of multiple sources)

ChromicPDF is tested in the following configurations:

| Elixir | Erlang/OTP | Distribution    | Chromium        | Ghostscript |
| ------ | ---------- | --------------- | --------------- | ----------- |
| 1.15.7 | 26.2       | Alpine 3.18     | 119.0.6045.159  | 10.02.0     |
| 1.14.5 | 25.3.1     | Alpine 3.17     | 112.0.5615.165  | 10.01.1     |
| 1.14.0 | 25.1       | Debian Buster   | 90.0.4430.212-1 | 9.27        |
| 1.11.4 |  | Debian Buster   | 90.0.4430.212-1 | 9.27        |

## Installation

ChromicPDF is a supervision tree (rather than an application). You will need to inject it into the supervision tree of your application. First, add ChromicPDF to your runtime dependencies:

def deps do
    {:chromic_pdf, "~> 1.16"}

Next, start ChromicPDF as part of your application:

# lib/my_app/application.ex
def MyApp.Application do
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      # other apps...

    Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor)

## Usage

### Main API

Here's how you generate a PDF from an external URL and store it in the local filesystem.

# Prints a local HTML file to PDF.
ChromicPDF.print_to_pdf({:url, ""}, output: "example.pdf")

The next example shows how to print a local HTML file to PDF/A, as well as the use of a callback
function that receives the generated PDF as path to a temporary file.

ChromicPDF.print_to_pdfa({:url, "file:///example.html"}, output: fn pdf ->
  # Send pdf via mail, upload to S3, ...

### Template API

[ChromicPDF.Template]( contains
additional functionality for controlling page dimensions of your PDF.

[content: "<p>Hello Template</p>", size: :a4]
|> ChromicPDF.Template.source_and_options()
|> ChromicPDF.print_to_pdf()

### Multiple sources

Multiple sources can be automatically concatenated using Ghostscript.

ChromicPDF.print_to_pdf([{:html, "page 1"}, {:html, "page 2"}], output: "joined.pdf")

### Examples

* There is an outdated example of how to integrate ChromicPDF in a Phoenix application, see [examples/phoenix](

## Development

This should get you started:

mix deps.get
mix test

For running the full suite of integration tests, please install and have in your `$PATH`:

* [`verapdf`](
* For `pdfinfo` and `pdftotext`, you need `poppler-utils` (most Linux distributions) or [Xpdf]( (OSX)
* For the odd ZUGFeRD test in [`zugferd_test.exs`](, you need to download [ZUV]( and set the `$ZUV_JAR` environment variable.

## Acknowledgements

* The PDF/A conversion is inspired by the `pdf2archive` script originally created by [@matteosecli]( and later enhanced by [@JaimeChavarriaga](

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2019–2023 Bitcrowd GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.