
# Chroxy [![Build Status](](

A proxy service to mediate access to Chrome that is run in headless mode,
for use in high-frequency application load testing, end-user behaviour
simulations and programmatic access to Chrome Devtools.

Enables automatic initialisation of the underlying chrome browser pages upon the
request for a connection, as well as closing the page once the WebSocket
connection is closed.

This project was born out of necessity, as we needed to orchestrate a large
number of concurrent browser scenario executions, with low-level control and
advanced introspection capabilities.

## Features

* Direct WebSocket connections to chrome pages, speaking [Chrome Remote Debug
* Provides connections to Chrome Browser Pages via WebSocket connection.
* Manages Chrome Browser process via Erlang processes using `erlexec`
  * OS Process supervision and resiliency through automatic restart on crash.
* Uses Chrome Remote Debugging Protocol for optimal client compatibility.
* Transparent Dynamic Proxy provides automatic resource cleanup.

## Cowboy Compatibility

Cowboy is a major dependency of Phoenix, as such here is a little notice as to
which versions of cowboy are hard dependencies of Chroxy. This notice will be
removed at version 1.0 of Chroxy.

`Cowboy 1.x` <= version 0.5.1
`Cowboy 2.x` > version 0.6.0

## Project Goals

The objective of this project is to enable connections to headless chrome
instances with *minimal overhead and abstractions*.  Unlike browser testing
frameworks such as `Hound` and `Wallaby`, Chroxy aims to provide direct
unfettered access to the underlying browser using the [Chrome Debug
protocol]( whilst
enabling many 1000s of concurrent connections channelling these to an underlying
chrome browser resource pool.

### Elixir Supervision of Chrome OS Processes - Resiliency

Chroxy uses Elixir processes and OTP supervision to manage the chrome instances,
as well as including a transparent proxy to facilitate automatic initialisation
and termination of the underlying chrome page based on the upstream connection

## Getting Started

_Get dependencies and compile:_
$ mix do deps.get, compile

_Run the Chroxy Server:_
$ mix run --no-halt

_Run with an attached session:_
$ iex -S mix

_Run Docker image_

Exposes 1330, and 1331 (default ports for connection api and chrome proxy endpoint).
$ docker build . -t chroxy
$ docker run -p 1330:1330 -p 1331:1331 chroxy

## Operation Examples:

### Using [Chroxy Client]( & `ChromeRemoteInterface`

_Establish 100 Browser Connections:_
``` elixir
clients =, fn(_) ->
  ChroxyClient.page_session!(%{host: "localhost", port: 1330})

_Run 100 Asynchronous browser operations:_
``` elixir
Task.async_stream(clients, fn(client) ->
  url = ""
  {:ok, _} = ChromeRemoteInterface.RPC.Page.navigate(client, %{url: url})
end, timeout: :infinity) |>

You can then use any `Page` related functionality using

### Use any client that speaks Chrome Debug Protocol:

_Get the address for a connection:_
$ curl http://localhost:1330/api/v1/connection

With this address you can establish the connection to the chrome instance (which
is routed via a transparent proxy).

## Configuration

The configuration is designed to be friendly for containerisation as such uses
environment variables

### Chroxy as a Library

``` elixir
def deps do
  [{:chroxy, "~> 0.3"}]

If using Chroxy as a dependency of another mix projects you may wish to leverage
the configuration implementation of Chroxy by replication the configuration in

Example: Create a Page Session, Registering for Event and Navigating to URL

``` elixir
ws_addr = Chroxy.connection()
{:ok, page} = ChromeRemoteInterface.PageSession.start_link(ws_addr)
ChromeRemoteInterface.PageSession.subscribe(page, "Page.loadEventFired", self())
url = ""
{:ok, _} = ChromeRemoteInterface.RPC.Page.navigate(page, %{url: url})
# Message Received by self() => {:chrome_remote_interface, "Page.loadEventFired", _}

### Configuration Variables

Ports, Proxy Host and Endpoint Scheme are managed via Env Vars.

| Variable                             | Default       | Desc.                                                      |
| :------------------------            | :------------ | :--------------------------------------------------------- |
| CHROXY_CHROME_PORT_FROM              | 9222          | Starting port in the Chrome Browser port range             |
| CHROXY_CHROME_PORT_TO                | 9223          | Last port in the Chrome Browser port range                 |
| CHROXY_PROXY_HOST                    | ""   | Host which is substituted to route connections via proxy   |
| CHROXY_PROXY_PORT                    | 1331          | Port which proxy listener will accept connections on       |
| CHROXY_ENDPOINT_SCHEME               | :http         | `HTTP` or `HTTPS`                                          |
| CHROXY_ENDPOINT_PORT                 | 1330          | HTTP API will register on this port                        |
| CHROXY_CHROME_SERVER_PAGE_WAIT_MS    | 200           | Milliseconds to wait after asking chrome to create a page  |
| CHROME_CHROME_SERVER_CRASH_DUMPS_DIR | "/tmp"        | Directory to which chrome will write crash dumps           |

## Components

### Proxy

An intermediary TCP proxy is in place to allow for monitoring of the _upstream_
client and _downstream_ chrome RSP web socket connections, in order to clean up
resources after connections are closed.

`Chroxy.ProxyListener` - Incoming Connection Management & Delegation
* Listens for incoming connections on `CHROXY_PROXY_HOST`:`CHROXY_PROXY_PORT`.
* Exposes `accept/1` function which will accept the next _upstream_ TCP connection and
  delegate the connection to a `ProxyServer` process along with the `proxy_opts`
  which enables the dynamic configuration of the _downstream_ connection.

`Chroxy.ProxyServer` - Dynamically Configured Transparent Proxy
* A dynamically configured transparent proxy.
* Manages delegated connection as the _upstream_ connection.
* Establishes _downstream_ connection based on `proxy_opts` or
  `ProxyServer.Hook.up/2` hook modules response, at initialisation.

`Chroxy.ProxyServer.Hook` - Behaviour for `ProxyServer` hooks. Example: `ChromeProxy`
* A mechanism by which a module/server can be invoked when a `ProxyServer`
  process is coming _up_ or _down_.
* Two _optional_ callbacks can be implemented:
  * `@spec up(indentifier(), proxy_opts()) :: proxy_opts()`
    * provides the registered process with the option to add or change proxy
      options prior to downstream connection initialisation.
  * `@spec down(indentifier(), proxy_state) :: :ok`
    * provides the registered process with a signal that the proxy connection
       is about to terminate, due to either _upstream_ or _downstream_
       connections closing.

### Chrome Browser Management

Chrome is the first browser supported, and the following server processes manage
the communication and lifetime of the Chrome Browsers and Tabs.

`Chroxy.ChromeProxy` - Implements `ProxyServer.Hook` for Chrome resource management
* Exposes function `connection/1` which returns the websocket connection
    to the browser tab, with the proxy host and port substituted in order to
   route the connection via the underlying `ProxyServer` process.
* Registers for callbacks from the underlying `ProxyServer`, implementing the
  `down/2` callback in order to clean up the Chrome resource when connections

`Chroxy.ChromeServer` - Wraps Chrome Browser OS Process
* Process which manages execution and control of a Chrome Browser OS process.
* Provides basic API wrapper to manage the required browser level functionality
  around page creation, access and closing.
* Translates browser logging to elixir logging, with correct levels.

`Chroxy.BrowserPool` - Inits & Controls access to pool of browser processes
* Exposes `connection/0` function which will return a WebSocket connection to a
  browser tab, from a random browser process in the managed pool.

`Chroxy.BrowerPool.Chrome` - Chrome Process Pool
* Manages `ChromeServer` process pool, responsible for spawning a browser
  process for each defined PORT in the port range configured.

### HTTP API - `Chroxy.Endpoint`

`GET /api/v1/connection`

Returns WebSocket URI `ws://` to a Chrome Browser Page which is routed via the
Proxy.  This is the first port of call for an external client connecting to the service.

$ curl http://localhost:1330/api/v1/connection

## Kubernetes

The following is an example configuration which can be used to run Chroxy on

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: crawler
  namespace: default
    app: myApp
    tier: crawler

  replicas: 1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 1
    type: RollingUpdate
      maxUnavailable: 0
      maxSurge: 1
      app: myApp
      tier: crawler
        app: myApp
        tier: crawler
        - image: # your consumer
          name: api
          imagePullPolicy: Always
              cpu: 30m
              memory: 100Mi
            - containerPort: 4000
          - name: USER_AGENT
            value: ...
          - name: INSTANCE_NAME

        # [START chroxy]
        - name: headless-chrome
          image: # chroxy
          imagePullPolicy: Always
              cpu: 30m
              memory: 100Mi
            - name: CHROXY_CHROME_PORT_FROM
              value: "9222"
            - name: CHROXY_CHROME_PORT_TO
              value: "9223"
            - containerPort: 1331
            - containerPort: 1330
        # [END chroxy]

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  namespace: default
  name: crawler-api
    app: myApp
    tier: crawler
    app: myApp
    tier: crawler
  - port: 4000
    protocol: TCP