# Cielo

**A Cielo API Client for Elixir**

Online documentation [](

## Roadmap

|Feature   | Status  |
|Bin Consultation  | ✅ |
|Payment Consultation  | ✅ |
|Credit Card Transaction   | ✅ | 
|Debit Card Transaction   | ✅ | 
|BankSlip Transaction   | ✅ | 
|Recurrent Payment Transaction   | ✅ | 
|Zero Auth Consultation   | ✅ |
|Full Capture Transaction   | ✅ |
|Partial Capture Transaction   | ✅ |
|Cancel a Sale   | ✅ |
|Partial Cancel Sale   | ✅ |
|Cancel a Recurrent Sale   | ✅ |
|Card Tokenization   | ⏱ |
|Token Consultation   | ⏱ |
|QRCode Transaction   | ⏱ |

## Installation

Add cielo to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:cielo, "~> 0.1"}

Once that is configured you are all set. Cielo is a library, not an
application, but it does rely on `hackney`, which must be started. For Elixir
versions < 1.4 you'll need to include it in the list of applications:

def application do
  [applications: [:cielo]]

Within your application you will need to configure the merchant id and
authorization keys. You do *not* want to put this information in your
`config.exs` file! Either put it in a `{prod,dev,test}.secret.exs` file which is
sourced by `config.exs`, or read the values in from the environment:

config :cielo,
  merchant_id: {:system, "CIELO_MERCHANT_ID"},
  merchant_key: {:system, "CIELO_MERCHANT_KEY"}

Furthermore, the environment defaults to `sandbox: false`, so you'll want to configure it with:
config :cielo,
  sandbox: true
in your `config/dev.exs`.

You may optionally pass directly those configuration keys to all functions
performing an API call. In that case, those keys will be used to perform the

You can optionally [configure Hackney options][opts] with:

config :cielo,
  http_options: [
    timeout: 30_000, # default, in milliseconds
    recv_timeout: 5000 # default, in milliseconds


## Contributing

Feedback, feature requests, and fixes are welcomed and encouraged. Please make appropriate use of [Issues]( and [Pull Requests]( All code should have accompanying tests.