# 🪽 cigogne - Easy migrations in Gleam
Cigogne (French for stork) is a simple tool to manage migrations for your Postgres database.
The idea is that instead of writing schemas in Gleam and having a tool do the migration scripts for you,
with Cigogne you have total control on your migrations. That approach gives you more freedom on how you want to do
your migrations for the price of a bit of time and learning some database skills.
For example, if you decide to rename a column, you can use a `ALTER TABLE RENAME COLUMN` query.
If you decide to change a column's data type, you can decide how to populate it based on the old values.
As a plus, this integrates really well with the approach provided by [squirrel](https://hexdocs.pm/squirrel/).
## Installation
gleam add --dev cigogne
Cigogne can also be installed as a regular dependency and used in your project. See documentation about the `cigogne` module to know more.
## Usage
To use `cigogne`, you first have to create your migration scripts in the `priv/migrations` folder.
Cigogne will look for `.sql` files in this folder to get your migrations. Cigogne expects
the sql files to have the following format `<MigrationTimestamps>-<MigrationName>.sql`. This way we
can get an order in which migrations should be applied and a descriptive name right away. It also
allows for easy sorting of your migration scripts and forces you to give it a meaningful name.
> This may not be great for everyone, so it may change in the future, maybe to some kind of front matter or something else.
> Please let me know what you think 😉
You can then write your migration scripts. It should look like this
--- migration:up
firstName TEXT NOT NULL,
--- migration:down
--- migration:end
The `--- migration:` comments are used to separate between the queries used for the "up migration" and the "down migration".
> Again this may change if we find a better way of doing it !
You are now ready to execute your migration ! The first way of executing your migration is via the command line :
# Apply the next migration
gleam run -m cigogne up
# Roll back the last applied migration
gleam run -m cigogne down
# Apply all migrations not yet applied
gleam run -m cigogne last
# Apply/roll back N migrations (apply if N > 0, roll back otherwise)
gleam run -m cigogne apply N
# Show the last applied migration and the current DB schema
gleam run -m cigogne show
# Create a new migration with name NAME
gleam run -m cigogne new NAME
You can also use it in your server initalisation function to make sure your schema is up-to-date with your code.
import cigogne
pub fn init() -> Nil {
use db_connection <- db_connect() // to be implemented
|> result.then(cigogne.update_schema_file(db_url))
|> result.map_error(cigogne.print_error)
|> result.unwrap_both
// Or directly by using environment variables
|> result.map_error(cigogne.print_error)
|> result.unwrap_both
> By default, `cigogne` gets the database url from the `DATABASE_URL` environment variable.
> Also, the migrate_up, _down, _n, and _to_last functions systematically update a schema file
> whenever they are successful.
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/cigogne>.
## Development ideas
I have a few ideas to improve this library that I may implement in the future.
Let me know if some of those are of interest to you and I will prioritize them.
- Specify default schema (for schema file) via an envvar.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests