
defmodule CImg do
  @moduledoc """
  A lightweight image processing module in Elixir using CImg, aimed at creating auxiliary routines for Deep Learning.

  ### Session execution

  Each function provided by CImg can be used alone (eager execution) or
  as a set of functions (session execution).

  EAGER execution is good for interactive work because you can see the results
  of your image processing immediately. But it tends to consume more memory
  than necessary. On the other hand, SESSION execution reduces memory consumption
  because after assembling the image processing sequence, it is executed all at once.

  To perform image processing in SESSION mode, you must assemble a image processing
  sequence using Elixir's pipe syntax. At the entrance of the pipe, place
  a function {seed} that generates a %Builder{}, then pipe in the necessary
  image processing {grow}, and finally place a function {crop} that executes
  those image processing.

  In this document, the following symbols indicate which category each function belongs to.
    * {seed} - generate %Builder{}
    * {grow} - image processing piece
    * {crop} - execute session and get result

  #### Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")

    CImg.builder(img)               # generate %Builder{} with %CImg{} as seed image
    |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0,0,255}) # building an image processing session
    |> CImg.draw_circle(150, 200, 40, {255,0,0}) # ...
    |> CImg.display(disp)           # execute above session and display result image on PC screen

  ### Data exchange with Nx
  It is easy to exchange %CImg{} and Nx tensors.

  # convert CImg image to Nx.Tensor
  iex> img0 = CImg.load("sample.jpg")
  %CImg{{2448, 3264, 1, 3}, handle: #Reference<0.2112145695.4205182979.233827>}
  iex> tensor = CImg.to_binary(img0, dtype: "<u8")
         |> Nx.from_binary({:u, 8})

  # convert Nx.Tensor to CImg image
  iex> img1 = Nx.to_binary(tensor)
         |>CImg.from_bin(2448, 3264, 1, 3, "<u8")
  alias __MODULE__
  alias CImg.NIF

  # image object

  #   :handle - Erlang resource object pointing to the CImg image.

  defstruct handle: nil

  defimpl Inspect do
    import Inspect.Algebra

    def inspect(cimg, opts) do
      concat(["%CImg{", to_doc(CImg.shape(cimg), opts), ", handle: ", to_doc(cimg.handle, opts), "}"])

  @color16 %{
    :white   => { 255, 255, 255 },
    :silver  => { 192, 192, 192 },
    :gray    => { 128, 128, 128 },
    :black   => {   0,   0,   0 },
    :red     => { 255,   0,   0 },
    :maroon  => { 128,   0,   0 },
    :yellow  => { 255, 255,   0 },
    :olive   => { 128, 128,   0 },
    :lime    => {   0, 255,   0 },
    :green   => {   0, 128,   0 },
    :aqua    => {   0, 255, 255 },
    :teal    => {   0, 128, 128 },
    :blue    => {   0,   0, 255 },
    :navy    => {   0,   0, 128 },
    :fuchsia => { 255,   0, 255 },
    :purple  => { 128,   0, 128 },

  defp color_code(color_name) when is_atom(color_name) do

  defp color_code({_r,_g,_b}=rgb) do

  defmodule Builder do
    @moduledoc """
    Record the image processing sequence for SESSION execution.
	  # builder object

	  #   :seed   - operation to get a initial image.

	  #   :script - image operations

	  defstruct seed: nil, script: []

  defp push_cmd(%Builder{script: script}=builder, cmd) do
    %{builder| script: [cmd|script]}

  @doc """
  {seed} Returns an empty builder for recording image processing scripts.

  ## Parameters


  ## Examples

    # build a script
    script = CImg.builder()
      |> CImg.gray()
      |> CImg.resize({256, 256})

    # apply the script to an image.
    seed   = CImg.load("sample.jpg")
    result =, seed)
  def builder() do

  @doc """
  {seed} Returns a builder with an existing %CImg{} as the seed image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{}

  ## Examples

    cimg = CImg.load("sample.jpg")

    result = CImg.builder(cimg)  # create %Builder{} has cimg
      |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0, 255, 0})
  def builder(%CImg{}=cimg) do
    %Builder{seed: {:copy, cimg}}

  @doc """
  {seed} Returns a builder that uses an image read from the file as the seed image.

  ## Parameters

    * atom - image file format: `:jpeg` or `:png`
    * fname - file name

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(:jpeg, "sample.jpg")
      |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0, 255, 0})
  def builder(:file, fname) do
    %Builder{seed: {:load, fname}}

  def builder(:image, jpeg_or_png) do
    %Builder{seed: {:load_from_memory, jpeg_or_png}}

  @doc """
  {seed} Returns a builder whose seed image is an image of shape [x,y,z,c] filled with the value `val`.

  ## Parameters

    * x,y,z,c - shape of image
    * val - filling value

  ## Examples

    res = CImg.builder(640, 480, 1, 3, 64)
      |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0, 255, 0})
  def builder(x, y, z, c, val) when is_integer(val) do
    %Builder{seed: {:create, x, y, z, c, val}}

  @doc """
  {seed} Returns a builder that takes as seed image a binary - shape[], dtype -
  converted to an image

  ## Parameters

    * bin - binary
    * x,y,z,c - shape of the image represented by `bin`
    * opts - convertion options
      - { :dtype, xxx } - convert data type to pixel.
          available: "<f4"/32-bit-float, "<u1"/8bit-unsigned-char
      - { :range, {lo, hi} } - convert range lo..hi to 0..255.
          default range: {0.0, 1.0}
      - { :gauss, {{mu-R,sigma-R},{mu-G,sigma-G},{mu-B,sigma-B}} } - inverse normalization by Gaussian distribution.
      - :nchw - transform axes NCHW to NHWC.
      - :bgt - convert color BGR -> RGB.

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(bin 640, 480, 1, 3, dtype: "<f4")
      |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0, 255, 0})
  def builder(bin, x, y, z, c, opts \\ []) when is_binary(bin) do
    dtype    = Keyword.get(opts, :dtype, "<f4")
    nchw     = :nchw in opts
    bgr      = :bgr  in opts

    {conv_op, conv_prms} = if prms = Keyword.get(opts, :gauss) do
      {:gauss, prms}
      {:range, Keyword.get(opts, :range, {0.0, 1.0})}

    %Builder{seed: {:create_from_bin, bin, x, y, z, c, dtype, conv_op, conv_prms, nchw, bgr}}

  @doc """
  {crop} Returns an image with the script applied to the seed image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(100, 100, 1, 3, 0)
      |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0, 255, 0})
  def run(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}) when not is_nil(seed) do
    script = [{:get_image} | script]
    case NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)]) do
      {:ok, img} -> %CImg{handle: img}
      {:ok, _shape, bin} -> bin
      any -> any

  @doc """
  {crop} Returns an image with the script applied to `cimg`.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * cimg - %CImg{}

  ## Examples

    cimg = CImg.load("sample.jpg")

    result = CImg.builder()
      |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 30, {0, 255, 0})
      |> CImg.runit(cimg)
  def run(%Builder{}=builder, %CImg{}=cimg) do
    run(%Builder{builder | seed: {:copy, cimg}})

  @doc """
  Create image{x,y,z,c} filled `val`.

  ## Parameters

    * x,y,z,c - image's x-size, y-size, z-size and spectrum.
    * val     - filling value.

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.create(200, 100, 1, 3, 127)
  def create(x, y, z, c, val) when is_integer(val) do
    builder(x, y, z, c, val) |> run()

  @doc """
  Load a image from file. The file types supported by this function are jpeg, ping and bmp.
  The file extension identifies which file type it is.

  ## Parameters

    * fname - file path of the image.

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")
  def load(fname) do
    builder(:file, fname) |> run()

  @doc """
  Create a image from jpeg/png format binary.
  You can create an image from loaded binary of the JPEG/PNG file.

  ## Parameters

    * jpeg_or_png - loaded binary of the image file.

  ## Examples

    bin  =!("sample.jpg")
    jpeg = CImg.from_binary(bin)
  def from_binary(jpeg_or_png) do
    builder(:image, jpeg_or_png) |> run()

  @doc """
  Create image{x,y,z,c} from raw binary.
  `from_binary` helps you to make the image from the serialiezed output tensor of DNN model.

  ## Parameters

    * bin - raw binary data to have in a image.
    * x,y,z,c - image's x-size, y-size, z-size and spectrum.
    * opts - convertion options
      - { :dtype, xxx } - convert data type to pixel.
          available: "<f4"/32-bit-float, "<u1"/8bit-unsigned-char
      - { :range, {lo, hi} } - convert range lo..hi to 0..255.
          default range: {0.0, 1.0}
      - { :gauss, {{mu-R,sigma-R},{mu-G,sigma-G},{mu-B,sigma-B}} } - inverse normalization by Gaussian distribution.
      - :nchw - transform axes NCHW to NHWC.
      - :bgt - convert color BGR -> RGB.

  ## Examples

    bin = TflInterp.get_output_tensor(__MODULE__, 0)
    img = CImg.from_binary(bin, 300, 300, 1, 3, dtype: "<f4")

    img = CImg.from_binary(bin, 300, 300, 1, 3, gauss: {{103.53,57.375},{116.28,57.12},{123.675,58.395}})
  def from_binary(bin, x, y, z, c, opts \\ []) when is_binary(bin) do
    builder(bin, x, y, z, c, opts) |> run()

  @doc """
  Create the image from %Npy{} format data.

  ## Parameters

    * npy - %Npy{} has 3 rank.

  ## Examples

    {:ok, npy} = Npy.load("image.npy")
    img = CImg.from_npy(npy)
  def from_npy(%{descr: dtype, shape: {h, w, c}, data: bin}) do
    from_binary(bin, w, h, 1, c, dtype)

  @doc """
  {crop} Get shape {x,y,z,c} of the image

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}

  ## Examples

    shape = CImg.shape(img)
  def shape(%CImg{}=img) do
    builder(img) |> shape()

  def shape(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}) when not is_nil(seed) do
    script = [{:get_shape} | script]
    NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)])

  @doc """
  {crop} Get byte size of the image

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}

  ## Examples

    size = CImg.size(img)
  def size(%CImg{}=img) do
    builder(img) |> size()

  def size(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}) when not is_nil(seed) do
    script = [{:get_size} | script]
    NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)])

  @doc """
  {crop} Save the image to the file.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * fname - file path for the image. (only jpeg images - xxx.jpg - are available now)

  ## Examples

    ```elixir, "sample.jpg")
  def save(%CImg{}=img, fname) do
    |> save(fname)

  def save(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}, fname)  when not is_nil(seed) do
    script = [{:save, fname} | script]
    NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)])

  @doc """
  {crop} Get serialized binary of the image from top-left to bottom-right.
  `to_binary/2` helps you to make 32bit-float arrary for the input tensors of DNN model
  or jpeg/png format binary on memory.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * opts - conversion options
      - :jpeg - convert to JPEG format binary.
      - :png - convert to PNG format binary.

      following options can be applied when converting the image to row binary.
      - { :dtype, xx } - convert pixel value to data type.
           available: "<f4"/32bit-float, "<u1"/8bit-unsigned-char
      - { :range, {lo, hi} } - range transformation when :dtype is "<f4".
           default range: {0.0, 1.0}
      - { :gauss, {{mu-R,sigma-R},{mu-G,sigma-G},{mu-B,sigma-B}} } - normalize by Gaussian distribution.
      - :nchw - transform axes NHWC to NCHW.
      - :bgr - convert color RGB -> BGR.

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")

    jpeg = CImg.to_binary(img, :jpeg)
    # convert to JPEG format binary on memory.

    png = CImg.to_binary(img, :png)
    # convert to PNG format binary on memory.

    bin1 = CImg.to_binary(img, [{dtype: "<f4"}, {:range, {-1.0, 1.0}}, :nchw])
    # convert pixel value to 32bit-float in range -1.0..1.0 and transform axis to NCHW.

    bin2 = CImg.to_binary(img, dtype: "<f4")
    # convert pixel value to 32bit-float in range 0.0..1.0.

    bin3 = CImg.to_binary(img, gauss: {{103.53,57.375},{116.28,57.12},{123.675,58.395}})
    # convert pixel value to 32bit-float normalized by Gaussian destribution: mu-R=103.53, sigma-R=57.375,...
  def to_binary(img, opts \\ [])

  def to_binary(%CImg{}=cimg, opts) do
    |> to_binary(opts)

  def to_binary(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}=builder, opts) when opts in [:jpeg, :png] do
    if is_nil(seed) do
      push_cmd(builder, {:to_image, opts})
      script = [{:to_image, opts} | script]
      with {:ok, image} <- NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)]),
        do: image

  def to_binary(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}=builder, opts) do
    dtype = Keyword.get(opts, :dtype, "<f4")
    nchw  = :nchw in opts
    bgr   = :bgr  in opts

    {conv_op, conv_prms} = if prms = Keyword.get(opts, :gauss) do
      {:gauss, prms}
      {:range, Keyword.get(opts, :range, {0.0, 1.0})}

    if is_nil(seed) do
      push_cmd(builder, {:to_bin, dtype, conv_op, conv_prms, nchw, bgr})
      script = [{:to_bin, dtype, conv_op, conv_prms, nchw, bgr} | script]
      with {:ok, _shape, bin} <- NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)]),
        do: bin

  @doc """
  {crop} Convert the image to %Npy{} format data.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * opts - conversion options
      - { :dtype, xx } - convert pixel value to data type.
           available: "<f4"/32bit-float, "<u1"/8bit-unsigned-char
      - { :range, {lo, hi} } - range transformation when :dtype is "<f4".
           default range: {0.0, 1.0}
      - { :gauss, {{mu-R,sigma-R},{mu-G,sigma-G},{mu-B,sigma-B}} } - normalize by Gaussian distribution.
      - :nchw - transform axes NHWC to NCHW.
      - :bgr - convert color RGB -> BGR.

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")

    npy1 =
      |> CImg.to_npy()

    npy2 =
      |> CImg.to_npy([{dtype: "<f4"}, {:range, {-1.0, 1.0}}, :nchw])
    # convert pixel value to 32bit-float in range -1.0..1.0 and transform axis to NCHW.
  def to_npy(img, opts \\ [])

  def to_npy(%CImg{}=cimg, opts) do
    |> to_npy(opts)

  def to_npy(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}, opts) do
    dtype = Keyword.get(opts, :dtype, "<f4")
    nchw  = :nchw in opts
    bgr   = :bgr  in opts

    {conv_op, conv_prms} = if prms = Keyword.get(opts, :gauss) do
      {:gauss, prms}
      {:range, Keyword.get(opts, :range, {0.0, 1.0})}

    script = [{:to_bin, dtype, conv_op, conv_prms, nchw, bgr} | script]
    with {:ok, shape, bin} <- NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)]) do
        __struct__: Npy,
        descr: dtype,
        fortran_order: false,
        shape: shape,
        data: bin

  @doc """
  {crop} Get the pixel value at (x, y).

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * x,y,z,c - location in the image.

  ## Examples

    val = CImg.get(img, 120, 40)
  def get(img, x, y \\ 0, z \\ 0, c \\ 0)

  def get(%CImg{}=cimg, x, y, z, c) do
    builder(cimg) |> get(x, y, z, c)

  def get(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}, x, y, z, c) do
    script = [{:get, x, y, z, c} | script]
    NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)])

  @doc """
  {crop} Extracting a partial image specified in a window from an image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * x0,y0,z0,c0, x1,y1,z1,c1 - window
    * bundary_condition -

  ## Examples

    partial = CImg.get_crop(img, 100, 100, 0, 0, 400, 600, 0, 3)
  def get_crop(img, x0, y0, z0, c0, x1, y1, z1, c1, boundary_conditions \\ 0)

  def get_crop(%CImg{}=cimg, x0, y0, z0, c0, x1, y1, z1, c1, boundary_conditions) do
    |> get_crop(x0, y0, z0, c0, x1, y1, z1, c1, boundary_conditions)

  def get_crop(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}, x0, y0, z0, c0, x1, y1, z1, c1, boundary_conditions) do
    script = [{:get_crop, x0, y0, z0, c0, x1, y1, z1, c1, boundary_conditions} | script]
    with {:ok, img} <- NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)]),
      do: %CImg{handle: img}

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to clear the image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}.

  ## Examples

  result = CImg.builder(:file, "sample.jpg")
    |> CImg.clear()
  def clear(%Builder{}=builder) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:clear})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to fill the image with `val`.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * val - filling value.

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(cimg)
      |> CImg.fill(img, 0x7f)
  def fill(%Builder{}=builder, val) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:fill, val})

  @doc """
  {grow} Get the inverted image of the image.

  ## Examples

    inv = CImg.invert(img)
    # get inverted image
  def invert(%CImg{}=img) do
    |> invert()
    |> run()

  def invert(%Builder{}=builder) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:invert})

  @doc """
  {grow} Get the gray image of the image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * opt_pn - intensity inversion: 0 (default) - no-inversion, 1 - inversion

  ## Examples

    gray = CImg.gray(img)
  def gray(img, opt_pn \\ 0)

  def gray(%CImg{}=cimg, opt_pn) do
    |> gray(opt_pn)
    |> run()

  def gray(%Builder{}=builder, opt_pn) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:gray, opt_pn})

  @doc """
  {grow} Thresholding the image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{} object.
    * val - threshold value
    * soft -
    * strict -

  ## Examples

    res = CImg.threshold(img, 100)
  def threshold(img, val, soft \\ false, strict \\ false)

  def threshold(%CImg{}=cimg, val, soft, strict) do
    |> threshold(val, soft, strict)
    |> run()

  def threshold(%Builder{}=builder, val, soft, strict) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:threshold, val, soft, strict})

  @doc """
  {grow} Blending two images.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{} object.
    * mask - %CImg{} object.
    * ratio - blending ratio: (1.0-ratio)*img + ratio*mask

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.blend(img_org, img_mask, 0.6)
  def blend(img, mask, ratio \\ 0.5)

  def blend(%CImg{}=cimg, %CImg{}=mask, ratio) do
    |> blend(mask, ratio)
    |> run()

  def blend(%Builder{}=builder, %CImg{}=mask, ratio) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:blend, mask, ratio})

  @doc """
  {grow} Paint mask image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{} object.
    * mask - %CImg{} object, binary image.
    * lut - color map.
    * opacity - opacity: (1.0-opacity)*img + opacity*mask

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.paint_mask(img_org, img_mask, [{255,0,0}], 0.6)
  def paint_mask(img, mask, lut, opacity \\ 0.5)

  def paint_mask(%CImg{}=cimg, %CImg{}=mask, lut, opacity) do
    |> paint_mask(mask, lut, opacity)
    |> run()

  def paint_mask(%Builder{}=builder, %CImg{}=mask, lut, opacity) when is_tuple(lut) do
    paint_mask(builder, mask, [lut], opacity)

  def paint_mask(%Builder{}=builder, %CImg{}=mask, lut, opacity) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:paint_mask, mask, lut, opacity})

  @doc """
  {grow} Create color mapped image by lut.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * lut - color map. build-in or user defined.
      - build-in map: {:default, :lines, :hot, :cool, :jet}
      - user defined: list of color tupple, [{0,0,0},{10,8,9},{22,15,24}...].
    * boundary - handling the pixel value outside the color map range.
      - 0 - set to zero value.
      - 1 -
      - 2 - repeat from the beginning of the color map.
      - 3 - repeat while wrapping the color map.

  ## Examples

    gray = CImg.load("sample.jpg") |> CImg.gray()

    jet = CImg.color_mapping(gray, :jet)
    # heat-map coloring.

    custom = CImg.color_mapping(gray, [{0,0,0},{10,8,9},{22,15,24}], 2)
    # custom coloring.
  def color_mapping(img, lut \\ :default, boundary \\ 0)

  def color_mapping(%CImg{}=cimg, lut, boundary) do
    |> color_mapping(lut, boundary)
    |> run()

  def color_mapping(%Builder{}=builder, lut, boundary) do
    cond do
      lut in [:default, :lines, :hot, :cool, :jet] ->
      	  push_cmd(builder, {:color_mapping, lut, boundary})
      is_list(lut) ->
      	  push_cmd(builder, {:color_mapping_by, lut, boundary})

  @doc """
  {grow} Append image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * img2 - %CImg{}, append image
    * axis - append on axis: {:x, :y, :z, :c}
    * align - 

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")
    twice = CImg.append(img, img, :x)
  def append(img, img2, axis, align \\ 0.0)
  def append(%CImg{}=cimg, %CImg{}=img2, axis, align) do
    |> append(img2, axis, align)
    |> run()

  def append(%Builder{}=builder, %CImg{}=img2, axis, align) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:append, img2, axis, align})

  @doc """
  {grow} Bluring image.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * sigma -
    * boundary_conditions -
    * is_gaussian -

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")
    blured = CImg.blur(img, 0.3)
  def blur(img, sigma, boundary_conditions \\ true, is_gaussian \\ true)

  def blur(%CImg{}=cimg, sigma, boundary_conditions, is_gaussian) do
    |> blur(sigma, boundary_conditions, is_gaussian)
    |> run()

  def blur(%Builder{}=builder, sigma, boundary_conditions, is_gaussian) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:blur, sigma, boundary_conditions, is_gaussian})

  @doc """
  {grow} mirroring the image on `axis`

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * axis - flipping axis: :x, :y

  ## Examples

    mirror = CImg.mirror(img, :y)
    # vertical flipping
  def mirror(%CImg{}=img, axis) do
    |> mirror(axis)
    |> run()

  def mirror(%Builder{}=builder, axis) when axis in [:x, :y] do
  	push_cmd(builder, {:mirror, axis})

  @doc """
  {grow} transpose the image

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}

  ## Examples

    transposed = CImg.transpose(img)
  def transpose(%CImg{}=img) do
    |> transpose()
    |> run()

  def transpose(%Builder{}=builder) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:transpose})

  @doc """
  {grow} Get a new image object resized {x, y}.

  ## Parameters

    * cimg - image object.
    * {x, y} - resize width and height or
      scale  - resize scale
      cimg   - get the size from the cimg object
    * align - alignment mode
      - :none - fit resizing
      - :ul - fixed aspect resizing, upper-leftt alignment.
      - :br - fixed aspect resizing, bottom-right alignment.
      - :crop - resizing the center crop to {x, y}.
    * fill - filling value for the margins, when fixed aspect resizing.

  ## Examples

    img = CImg.load("sample.jpg")
    result = CImg.get_resize(img, {300,300}, :ul)
  def resize(img, size, align \\ :none, fill \\ 0)

  def resize(%CImg{}=cimg, size, align, fill) do
    |> resize(size, align, fill)
    |> run()

  def resize(%Builder{}=builder, %CImg{}=cimg2, align, fill) do
    {w, h, _, _} = CImg.shape(cimg2)
    resize(builder, {w, h}, align, fill)

  def resize(%Builder{}=builder, scale, align, fill) when is_float(scale) do
    size_xy = -round(100*scale)
    resize(builder, {size_xy, size_xy}, align, fill)

  def resize(%Builder{}=builder, {x, y}, align, fill) do
    align = case align do
      :none -> 0
      :ul   -> 1
      :br   -> 2
      :crop -> 3
      _     -> raise(ArgumentError, "unknown align '#{align}'.")

    push_cmd(builder, {:resize, x, y, align, fill})

  @doc """
  {grow} Set the pixel value at (x, y).

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * val - value.
    * x,y,z,c - location in the image.

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(cimg)
      |> CImg.set(0x7f, 120, 40)
  def set(%Builder{}=builder, x, y \\ 0, z \\ 0, c \\ 0, val) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:set, x, y, z, c, val})

  @doc """
  [grow] Booking to draw marker.
  ## Parameters
    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x,y - location. if all of them are integer, they mean
    actual coodinates. if all of them are float, they mean ratio of the image.
    * color - marker color
    * opts
      * size - size of marker (>= 0)
      * mark - shape of marker (only :circle is avalable now)
  def draw_marker(%Builder{}=builder, x, y, color, opts \\ []) do
    _mark = Keyword.get(opts, :mark, :circle)
    size = Keyword.get(opts, :size, 1)

    color = color_code(color)
    cond do
      Enum.all?([x, y], &is_integer/1) ->
        push_cmd(builder, {:draw_marker, x, y, color, size})
      Enum.all?([x, y], &is_float/1) ->
      	push_cmd(builder, {:draw_marker_ratio, x, y, color, size})

  @doc """
  [grow] Booking to draw line in the image.

  ## Parameters
    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x1,y1,x2,y2 - ends of the line. if all of them are integer, they mean
    actual coodinates. if all of them are float, they mean ratio of the image.
    * color - line color
    * opts
      * thick: val - thick of line
      * opacity: val - opacity: 0.0-1.0
      * pattern: val - boundary line pattern: 32bit pattern

  ## Examples

    |> CImg.draw_line(10, 10, 20, 30, :white, thick: 3)
  def draw_line(%Builder{}=builder, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, opts \\ []) do
    thick   = Keyword.get(opts, :thick, 1)
    opacity = Keyword.get(opts, :opacity, 1.0)
    pattern = Keyword.get(opts, :pattern, 0xFFFFFFFF)

    color = color_code(color)

    cond do
      Enum.all?([x1, y1, x2, y2], &is_integer/1) ->
        push_cmd(builder, {:draw_line, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, thick, opacity, pattern})
      Enum.all?([x1, y1, x2, y2], &is_float/1) ->
      	push_cmd(builder, {:draw_line_ratio, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, thick, opacity, pattern})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to draw filled rectangle in the image.

  ## Parameters
    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x0,y0,x1,y1 - diagonal coordinates. if all of them are integer, they mean
    actual coodinates. if all of them are float within 0.0-1.0, they mean ratio
    of the image.
    * color - boundary color
    * opacity - opacity: 0.0-1.0

  ## Examples

    |> CImg.fill_rect(img, 50, 30, 100, 80, {255, 0, 0}, 0.3)
    |> CImg.display()

    |> CImg.fill_rect(img, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, {0, 255, 0})
    |> CImg.display()
  def fill_rect(%Builder{}=builder, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity \\ 1.0, pattern \\ 0xFFFFFFFF) do
    cond do
      Enum.all?([x0, y0, x1, y1], &is_integer/1) ->
        push_cmd(builder, {:fill_rectangle, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity, pattern})
      Enum.all?([x0, y0, x1, y1], fn x -> 0.0 <= x and x <= 1.0 end) ->
      	push_cmd(builder, {:fill_rectangle_ratio, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity, pattern})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to draw rectangle in the image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x0,y0,x1,y1 - diagonal coordinates. if all of them are integer, they mean
    actual coodinates. if all of them are float within 0.0-1.0, they mean ratio
    of the image.
    * color - boundary color
    * opacity - opacity: 0.0-1.0
    * pattern - boundary line pattern: 32bit pattern

  ## Examples

    |> CImg.draw_rect(img, 50, 30, 100, 80, {255, 0, 0}, 0.3, 0xFF00FF00)
    |> CImg.display()

    |> CImg.draw_rect(img, 0.2, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8, {0, 255, 0})
    |> CImg.display()
  def draw_rect(%Builder{}=builder, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity \\ 1.0, pattern \\ 0xFFFFFFFF) do
    cond do
      Enum.all?([x0, y0, x1, y1], &is_integer/1) ->
        push_cmd(builder, {:draw_rectangle, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity, pattern})
      Enum.all?([x0, y0, x1, y1], fn x -> 0.0 <= x and x <= 1.0 end) ->
      	push_cmd(builder, {:draw_rectangle_ratio, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, opacity, pattern})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to draw filled circle in the image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x0,y0 - circle center location
    * radius - circle radius
    * color - filling color
    * opacity - opacity: 0.0-1.0
    * pattern - boundary line pattern

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(cimg)
      |> CImg.fill_circle(imge, 100, 80, 40, {0, 0, 255}, 0xF0F0F0F0)
  def fill_circle(%Builder{}=builder, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity \\ 1.0, pattern \\ 0xFFFFFFFF) do
    cond do
      Enum.all?([x0, y0, radius], &is_integer/1) ->
        push_cmd(builder, {:fill_circle, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity, pattern})
      Enum.all?([x0, y0, radius], fn x -> 0.0 <= x and x <= 1.0 end) ->
        push_cmd(builder, {:fill_circle_ratio, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity, pattern})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to draw filled circle in the image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x0,y0 - circle center location
    * radius - circle radius
    * color - filling color
    * opacity - opacity: 0.0-1.0

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(cimg)
      |> CImg.draw_circle(imge, 100, 80, 40, {0, 0, 255})
  @deprecated "Use fill_circle/7 instead"
  def draw_circle(%Builder{}=builder, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity \\ 1.0) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:fill_circle, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity, 0})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to draw circle in the image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x0,y0 - circle center location
    * radius - circle radius
    * color - boundary color
    * opacity - opacity: 0.0-1.0
    * pattern - boundary line pattern

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.builder(cimg)
      |> CImg.draw_circle(imge, 100, 80, 40, {0, 0, 255}, 0.3, 0xFFFFFFFF)
  def draw_circle(%Builder{}=builder, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity, pattern) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:draw_circle, x0, y0, radius, color, opacity, pattern})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to draw graph.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * data - plot data (%CImg{})
    * color - RGB color tuple: {R,G,B} where 0 竕ヲ R,G,B 竕ヲ 255
    * opacity -
    * plot_type -
      * 0 = No plot.
      * 1 = Plot using segments.
      * 2 = Plot using cubic splines.
      * 3 = Plot with bars.
    * vertex_type -
      * 0 = No points.
      * 1 = Point.
      * 2 = Straight cross.
      * 3 = Diagonal cross.
      * 4 = Filled circle.
      * 5 = Outlined circle.
      * 6 = Square.
      * 7 = Diamond.
    * ymin, ymax - lower and upper bound of the y-range
    * pattern - line style

  ## Examples

        |> CImg.draw_graph(CImg.get_crop(image, 0, y, 0, 0, width-1, y, 0, 0), red,   1.0, 1, 0, 255.0, 0.0)
        |> CImg.draw_graph(CImg.get_crop(image, 0, y, 0, 1, width-1, y, 0, 1), green, 1.0, 1, 0, 255.0, 0.0)
        |> CImg.draw_graph(CImg.get_crop(image, 0, y, 0, 2, width-1, y, 0, 2), blue,  1.0, 1, 0, 255.0, 0.0)
        |> CImg.display(draw_disp)
  def draw_graph(%Builder{}=builder, data, color, opacity \\ 1.0, plot_type \\ 1, vertex_type \\ 1, ymin \\ 0.0, ymax \\ 0.0, pattern \\ 0xFFFFFFFF) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:draw_graph, data, color, opacity, plot_type, vertex_type, ymin, ymax, pattern})

  @doc """
  {grow} Booking to move pixels on the image according to the mapping table.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * mapping - mapping table. ex) [{[10,10],[10,20]}], move pixel at [10,10] to [10,20]
    * cx, cy, cz - location of upper-left mapping table on both images.

  ## Examples

    map = [{[20,20],[25,25]}, {[20,21],[25,26]}]

    result = CImg.builder(:jpeg, "sample.jpg")
      |> CImg.draw_morph(map)
  def draw_morph(img, mapping, cx \\ 0, cy \\ 0, cz \\ 0)

  def draw_morph(%CImg{}=cimg, mapping, cx, cy, cz) do
    |> draw_morph(mapping, cx, cy, cz)
    |> run()

  def draw_morph(%Builder{}=builder, mapping, cx, cy, cz) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:draw_morph, mapping, cx, cy, cz})

  @doc """
  {grow} Draw text in th image.

  ## Parameters

    * builder - %Builder{}
    * x,y - position on the image where the text will begin to be drawn.
    * text - the text to be drawn.
    * font_height - font height in pixels.
    * fg_color - foreground color. choose one of the following:
    * bg_color - background color.
    * opacity - opacity: 0.0..1.0.

  ## Examples

    result = CImg.draw_text(builder, 10, 20, "Hello world!", 32, :white)
  def draw_text(%Builder{}=builder, x, y, text, font_height, fg_color, bg_color \\ :transparent, opacity \\ 1.0) do
    push_cmd(builder, {:draw_text, x, y, text, fg_color, bg_color, opacity, font_height})

  @doc """
  {crop} Display the image on the CImgDisplay object.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * display - CImgDisplay object

  ## Examples


    |> CImg.draw_circle(100, 100, 50, {255, 0, 0})
    |> CImg.display()
  def display(%CImg{}=img) do
    builder(img) |> display()

  def display(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}) do
    script = [{:display} | script]
    NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)])

  @doc """
  {crop} Display the image on the CImgDisplay object.

  ## Parameters

    * cimg - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * display - CImgDisplay object

  ## Examples

    disp = CImgDisplay.create(img, "Sample")
    CImg.display(img, disp)
  def display(%CImg{}=img, disp) do
    builder(img) |> display(disp)

  def display(%Builder{seed: seed, script: script}, disp) when not is_nil(seed) do
    script = [{:display_on, disp} | script]
    NIF.cimg_run([seed | Enum.reverse(script)])

  @doc """
  {crop} Display the image on the Livebook.

  ## Parameters

    * img - %CImg{} or %Builder{}
    * mime_type - image file format: `:jpeg`, `:png`

  ## Examples

    CImg.builder(:file, "sample.jpg")
    |> CImg.display_kino(:jpeg)
  def display_kino(%CImg{}=img, mime_type) do
    builder(img) |> display_kino(mime_type)

  def display_kino(%Builder{}=builder, mime_type) when mime_type in [:jpeg, :png] do
      __struct__: Kino.Image,
      content: to_binary(builder, mime_type),
      mime_type: "image/#{Atom.to_string(mime_type)}"