# clamav_client
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Gleam client for interacting with a [ClamAV](https://www.clamav.net/) instance
gleam add clamav_client@1
import clamav_client/clamav
import clamav_client/client_options.{type ClamAvClientOptions}
pub fn main() {
let data = "some data, probably a file" |> bit_array.from_string
let options =
host: "",
port: 3310,
connection_timeout: 10_000, // ms
reply_timeout: 10_000, // ms
logger: client_options.nil_logger
case clamav.instream(options, data) {
Ok(Clean) -> "Clean!"
Ok(VirusDetected(infected_files)) -> {
let infected_file =
infected_files |> list.first
"VirusDetected: " <> infected_file.file_name <> " | " <> infected_file.virus_name
Error(error) -> "Error: " <> error |> string.inspect
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/clamav_client>.
## Development
gleam build # Build the project
gleam test # Run the tests