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# <p align="center">ClashOfClans.ex

<p align="center">An <strong>functional</strong> Clash of Clans APi Wrapper written in pure Elixir.</p>

<p align="center">
<img src="coc.ex_logo.png"  alt="clashofclans.ex" width="300" height="300"/></a>


## Getting started
*BSF: This is a WIP and currently in v1 (development) mode. This means that the API is not stable and may change at any time.*
> #### Installing
def deps do
    [{:clashofclans, "~> 0.1.0"}]

$ mix deps.get


> #### Configuration
Since we (currently) only support authentication through APi tokens, you will need to get one from the [Clash of Clans API]( website. Once you have your token, you can add it to your `config/config.exs` file like so:

# Without sourcing
import Config

config :clashofclans, api_key: System.get_env("API_KEY")

# With sourcing
import Config

config :clashofclans, api_key: "super-secret-api-key-here"
**With this method you have to run `source .env` before running/building your application.**

*Note:* If you want to use a custom ENV environment on runtime, then use a custom library like [](

`.env` example
export API_KEY="super-secret-api-key-here"
You can directly pass in the APi key if you use a custom/runtime environment, but
make  sure the `.env` is in your root directory.

> ### Queries, functions, modules

##### 1.) Modules
- [x] Clan
- [x] Player
- [x] Leagues 
- [x] Gold pass

##### 2.) Functions