
defmodule Cloister do
  @moduledoc ~s"""
  `Cloister` is a consensus helper for clusters.

  It is designed to be a configurable drop-in for transparent cluster support.

  ### Supported options


  use DynamicSupervisor

  @spec start_link(opts :: keyword()) :: Supervisor.on_start()
  @doc false
  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    {name, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :name, __MODULE__)
    DynamicSupervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: name)

  @impl DynamicSupervisor
  @doc false
  def init(opts),
    do: DynamicSupervisor.init(Keyword.merge([strategy: :one_for_one], opts))

  @spec whois(group :: atom(), term :: any()) ::
          node() | {:error, {:invalid_ring, :no_nodes}} | {:error, {:not_our_ring, atom()}}
  @doc "Returns who would be chosen by a hash ring for the term in the group given"
  def whois(group \\ nil, term),
    do: with({:ok, node} <- Cloister.Modules.info_module().whois(group, term), do: node)

  @spec mine?(term :: any()) :: boolean() | {:error, :no_such_ring}
  @doc "Returns `true` if the hashring points to this node for the term given, `false` otherwise"
  def mine?(term), do: whois(term) == node()

  @spec multiapply(nil | [node()], module(), atom(), list()) :: any()
  @doc """
  Applies the function given as `m, f, a` on all the nodes given as a first parameter.

  If no `nodes` are given, it defaults to `Cloister.siblings/0`.
  def multiapply(nodes \\ nil, m, f, a) do
    nodes = if is_nil(nodes), do: Cloister.siblings(), else: nodes
    :rpc.multicall(nodes, m, f, a)

  @spec ring :: atom()
  @doc "Returns the `ring` from current node cloister monitor state"
  def ring, do: Cloister.Modules.info_module().ring()

  defdelegate state, to: Cloister.Monitor
  defdelegate siblings, to: Cloister.Monitor
  defdelegate siblings!, to: Cloister.Monitor
  defdelegate multicast(name, request), to: Cloister.Node
  defdelegate multicast(nodes, name, request), to: Cloister.Node
  defdelegate multicall(name, request), to: Cloister.Node
  defdelegate multicall(nodes, name, request), to: Cloister.Node