# Cloudinex
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## Description
Cloudinex is an Elixir wrapper around the [Cloudinary]( [Image Upload API]( and [Admin API](  Most of the methods in the APIs have been implemented in this library.

## Uploading Images

### From URL
To upload an image url:

iex> Cloudinex.Uploader.upload_url("")
  %{"bytes" => 228821,
    "created_at" => "2017-09-03T20:43:45Z",
    "etag" => "96703c568b938567551bf0e408ab2f2a",
    "format" => "jpg",
    "height" => 2048,
    "original_filename" => "02qqN5T",
    "public_id" => "i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag",
    "resource_type" => "image",
    "secure_url" => "",
    "signature" => "5f0475dfb785049d97f937071802ee88cc153ed0",
    "tags" => [],
    "type" => "upload",
    "url" => "",
    "version" => 1504471425,
    "width" => 2048}}
### From local file

iex> Cloudinex.Uploader.upload_url("./path/to/file.jpg")
  %{"bytes" => 228821,
    "created_at" => "2017-09-03T20:43:45Z",
    "etag" => "96703c568b938567551bf0e408ab2f2a",
    "format" => "jpg",
    "height" => 2048,
    "original_filename" => "02qqN5T",
    "public_id" => "i5duxjofpqcdprjl0gag",
    "resource_type" => "image",
    "secure_url" => "",
    "signature" => "5f0475dfb785049d97f937071802ee88cc153ed0",
    "tags" => [],
    "type" => "upload",
    "url" => "",
    "version" => 1504471425,
    "width" => 2048}}
## Display Manipulated Images

* A url to the image at its original dimensions and no transformations

iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id")

* A url to the image adjusted to a specific width and height

iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{width: 400, height: 300})

* A url to the image using multiple transformation options and a signature

iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{crop: "fill", fetch_format: 'auto', flags: 'progressive', width: 300, height: 254, quality: "jpegmini", sign_url: true})

 * A url to a specific version of the image

iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{version: 1471959066})

* A url to a specific version of the image adjusted to a specific width and height

iex> Cloudinex.Url.for("a_public_id", %{width: 400, height: 300, version: 1471959066})

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `cloudinex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:cloudinex, "~> 0.2.1"}]

## Configuration

Authentication is done using Basic Authentication over secure HTTP. Your
Cloudinary API Key and API Secret are used for the authentication and can be
found [here](  Configuration
is handled via application variables (showing default values):

config :cloudinex,
        debug: false,
        base_url: "",
        base_image_url: "",
        api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY", #no default
        secret: "YOUR_API_SECRET", #no default
        cloud_name: "YOUR_CLOUD_NAME", #no default  