# Clova
A behaviour and related modules for implementing a Clova Extension.
## Summary
Defines a `Clova` behaviour which can be implemented to receive callbacks to handle requests.
`Plug` should be used to parse the request, validate it, and dispatch it to the `Clova` implementation.
Example `Plug.Router` pipeline:
plug Clova.SkillPlug,
dispatch_to: MyExtension,
app_id: "com.example.my_extension",
json_module: Poison
plug :match
plug :dispatch
post "/endpoint" do
Example `Clova` implementation for a Hello World extension:
defmodule MyExtension do
use Clova
def handle_launch(_request, response) do
|> add_speech("ハロー、ワールド!")
|> end_session
For a more detailed example, see the [AirQuality example extension](https://github.com/line/clova-cek-sdk-elixir-sample).
## Installation
Add `:clova` to your `mix.exs` dependencies. This package assumes you will be using Plug - see the
[Plug documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/plug/) for setting up a Plug application.
defp deps do
{:clova, "~> 0.4.0"},
{:plug, "~> 1.5"},
{:cowboy, "~> 2.2"},
# You can use whichever JSON library you prefer
{:poison, "~> 3.1"}
## Online Documentation
[Full documentation is available on HexDocs.](https://hexdocs.pm/clova/)