# Cluster-Bot
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<a href="https://elixir-lang.org/">
<a href="https://hex.pm/packages/cluster_bot">
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<a href="#introduction">Introduction</a> •
<a href="#installation">Installation</a> •
<a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a>
## Introduction
`ClusterBot` is a small elixir library to manage nodes and automatically reconnect if a node disconnects thus trying to maintain a constant pool of nodes.
Nodes are cached using [Cachex](https://hexdocs.pm/cachex/Cachex.html) and stored to the file system.
If a node is not reachable in 24 hours, it will permamently be removed from the cache.
## Installation
<!-- https://hex.pm/docs/publish -->
Add `cluster_bot` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:cluster_bot, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Getting Started
The [ClusterMonitor](https://hexdocs.pm/cluster_bot/ClusterMonitor.html) implements the GenServer behavior and is thus usable with a standard OTP supervision tree.
children = [
Supervisor.start_link(children, [
strategy: :one_for_one,
name: Your.Supervisor
You are also able to change some parameters in you config.
This is purly optional and mainly involves interval times:
config :logger, ClusterMonitor, level: :error # To prevent logging
config :cluster_bot,
fetch_interval: 5_000,
reconnect_interval: 5_000,
refresh_interval: 60_000,
output: "cache.bin"
The library doesn't have any interfaces, as it serves as a watchdog.