# ClusterHelper
This lib is built on top of :syn library, help to manage dynamic Elixir cluster on environment like Kubernetes.
Each node has roles like :data, :web, :cache other not join can easy get nodes follow a role in cluster.
Can use scope for seperating to sub cluster (current version doesn't support overlapped sub cluster).
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `cluster_helper` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:cluster_helper, "~0.0.3"}
## Usage
Note: You need join node to cluster by other library (like libcluster) or manually.
Add rols to config for node
config :cluster_helper,
# all roles of current node. Can add role in runtime.
roles: [:data, :web],
# for scope of :syn lib. default scope is ClusterHelper
scope: :my_cluster
Query nodes by role in cluster
# [:node1, :node2]
check role of a node in cluster
# [:data, :web]
## Test local cluster without integrated with other app
Start 2 nodes
Start node1:
iex --name node1@ --cookie need_to_change_this -S mix
iex --name node2@ --cookie need_to_change_this -S mix
Join & Verify all nodes by run cmd in node2 shell:
In each iex shell add rule by cmd:
ClusterHelper.add_roles([:role1, :role2])
Verify data synced by cmd:
## Example
You can get a full example using with EasyRpc lib on [Github](https://github.com/ohhi-vn/lib_examples/tree/main/cluster_helper)