# Cmark

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Elixir NIF for [cmark (C)](, a parser library following the [CommonMark]( spec.

## CommonMark

> A strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown

For more information visit <>.

## Install

### Prerequisites

You need a C compiler like `gcc` or `clang`.

### mix.exs

Add this to your dependencies:

{:cmark, "~> 0.6"}

## Usage

### Quick example

Cmark.to_html "a markdown string"
#=> "<p>a markdown string</p>\n"

### Cmark.to_html/1

"test" |> Cmark.to_html
#=> "<p>test</p>\n"

["# also works", "* with list", "`of documents`"] |> Cmark.to_html
#=> ["<h1>also works</h1>\n",
#    "<ul>\n<li>with list</li>\n</ul>\n",
#    "<p><code>of documents</code></p>\n"]

### Cmark.to_html/2

callback = fn (html) -> "HTML is #{html}" |> String.strip end
"test" |> Cmark.to_html(callback)
#=> "HTML is <p>test</p>"

callback = fn (htmls) ->, &String.strip/1) |> Enum.join("<hr>")
["list", "test"] |> Cmark.to_html(callback)
#=> "<p>list</p><hr><p>test</p>"

### Cmark.to_html_each/2

callback = fn (html) -> "HTML is #{html |> String.strip}" end
["list", "test"] |> Cmark.to_html_each(callback)
#=> ["HTML is <p>list</p>", "HTML is <p>test</p>"]

### Other output formats

Thanks to the [cmark project]( this library also supports further output formats:

- XML: `Cmark.to_xml/1,2,3`, `Cmark.to_xml_each/2`
- Manpage: `Cmark.to_man/1,2,3`, `Cmark.to_man_each/2`
- CommonMark: `Cmark.to_commonmark/1,2,3`, `Cmark.to_commonmark_each/2`
- LaTeX: `Cmark.to_latex/1,2,3`, `Cmark.to_latex_each/2`

## Documentation

Latest API docs can be found at: <>

## Licenses

- Cmark.ex: [LICENSE](./LICENSE) (MIT)
- cmark (C): [c_src/COPYING](./c_src/COPYING) (multiple)