# code_utils

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Functions useful for evaluating Erlang code and manipulating of [Erlang abstract format](

## Examples

#### code_utils:eval_string/1
Evaluate input string as Erlang code. String needs to end with `.` character to properly evaluate.

1> code_utils:eval_string("
    N = 3,
    L = lists:seq(1,N),
    list_to_tuple([\"str\" | L]).

#### code_utils:term_to_string/1
Convert Erlang term to string representation of this term. Functions and references can't be converted. PIDs are converted to `c:pid/3` functions.

2> code_utils:term_to_string({atom,0,"str",[pid(0,37,0)]}).

#### code_utils:string_to_term/1
Convert string containing an Erlang term to actual Erlang term. Functions and references can't be converted. PIDs are converted from `c:pid/3` functions.

3> code_utils:string_to_term("{atom,0,\"str\",[c:pid(0,37,0)]}").

#### code_utils:string_to_exprs/1
Convert string containing some Erlang code to abstract format expressions.
4> code_utils:string_to_exprs("
    N = 3,
    L = lists:seq(1,N),
    list_to_tuple([\"str\" | L]).


#### code_utils:eval_exprs/1
Evaluate abstract format expressions as code.
5> code_utils:eval_exprs([
    {call,1, {remote,1,{atom,1,lists},{atom,1,append}}, [
