# Coerce

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  Coerce allows defining coercions between data types.

  These are standardized conversions of one kind of data to another.
  A coercion can be defined using `defcoercion.

  The code that coercion is compiled to attempts to ensure that the result
  is relatively fast (with the possibility for further optimization in the future).

  Coerce does _not_ come with built-in coercions, instead allowing libraries that build on top of it
  to define their own rules.

## Examples


      iex> require Coerce
      iex> Coerce.defcoercion(Integer, Float) do
      iex>   def coerce(int, float) do
      iex>     {int + 0.0, float}
      iex>   end
      iex> end
      iex> Coerce.coerce(1, 2.3)
      {1.0, 2.3}
      iex> Coerce.coerce(1.4, 42)
      {1.4, 42.0}



      iex> require Coerce
      iex> Coerce.defcoercion(BitString, Atom) do
      iex>   def coerce(str, atom) do
      iex>     {str, inspect(atom)}
      iex>   end
      iex> end
      iex> Coerce.coerce("foo", Bar)
      {"foo", "Bar"}
      iex> Coerce.coerce("baz", :qux)
      {"baz", ":qux"}

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `coerce` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:coerce, "~> 1.0.0"}

Documentation can
be found at [](